When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is obvious to anyone with a little intelligence that the rule of law and equal justice for all are a joke to many politicians in both political parties, the federal bureaucracy, and too many federal judges. Most of these people view the rule of law and equal justice for all with distain. These persons must be removed from all official government capacity. How is it done and by whom?

The Constitution of the United States created a militia to “execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. The laws of this nation are not being enforced. This is evident in observing that some people violate the law with no consequences while other people who violate the same law are sent to jail. We have a dual system of justice that cannot be found in our Constitution. Why bother passing any laws if they are not going to be obeyed and enforced? When the members of the FBI and Department of Justice plan a coup d’etat to remove a legally elected President of the United States and they are supported by members of Congress, isn’t that an insurrection? When people from another nation ignore borders and illegally force their way into our country, isn’t that an invasion? Since all of these events are currently underway, should not the militia be activated to deal with these problems? The answer is yes.

Our nation, our President and the new Attorney General need all the help they can get to drain the swamp and restore the rule of law with equal justice for all. Due to the damage done thus far, why must our nation wait decades for restoration?

It is time to use the militia to correct these problems. Since members of Congress are supporting the insurrection, any and all direction of the militia from Congress must be ignored. To restore the rule of law and equal justice for all, this country needs to ask the nation’s highest elected law enforcement group consisting of the sheriffs and constables (6-8000+ members) who believe in the rule of law and our Constitution to lead the restoration of law and order. Hopefully, they will accept this very difficult and dangerous task because they must recruit and vet the millions of militia members who will work with them to restore the rule of law. While it would be nice for the elected law enforcement group and militia to work with federal and state law enforcement, police departments and all sheriffs, it is known that not all of these groups share that fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law. Therefore, the loyal law enforcement group that must be formed may decide to exclude some groups. It should be the elected law enforcement group’s decision as to who cannot participate in the restoration of the rule of law.

Since the militia members will be unpaid civilians who support the restoration of the rule of law but must continue to work to support their families, they may be able to serve only for short periods of time. That is why It may require 20-40 million militia members to accomplish this most difficult task. Hopefully more than 40 million will volunteer. It is anticipated that militia involvement may require years to prevent retribution from those persons and groups unfavorably affected by the following program:

Every branch and agency of the federal government must be investigated to determine that they are performing their duties as defined by law in an unbiased manner. Lawlessness must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This could include present and former members of the government and Congress.

An investigation of the national news media organizations, political donors and lobbyists must be done to determine that there are no violations of the law.

The militia will be needed to defend our borders by force if necessary to prevent all illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a crime against the United States and the extremely large numbers of illegal alien invaders has caused chaos at the border. Current federal court rulings and congressional inaction have deliberately caused this chaos which will explode if as many as a million illegals are released into our country this year. This is unacceptable. Therefore, to stop the chaos all adult invaders must be shot and killed as they cross the border. Shooting and killing illegal adult invaders is not desired, but it may be only way to create an incentive strong enough to prevent all future illegal invasions. The militia should also participate in the roundup of all illegal aliens who have violated our Mexican border and put them on trains and deport them back to Mexico. They came here through Mexico so it is only fair that they be returned to Mexico.

The militia can be used to enforce our nation’s laws by helping ICE to find and deport all visa overstay illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens who are deported and re-enter the United States are automatically guilty and must be automatically executed. Why waste time and money on lawyers and judges on non citizen criminals? Spending more time and money on this type of an individual is meaningless.

All illegal aliens captured in the United States must be deported. Let them pursue legal immigration from outside the United States. This observer does not believe the people of the United States want to have criminals, sick and diseased persons and citizens from more than 40 countries to continue to illegally enter and stay in our country.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you