What impact would an open border policy (unlimited uncontrolled immigration) favored by the world government political hacks and seemingly some politicians in both parties do to this country? It would destroy this country to the point that it may never recover its former greatness.  Here is how.


Let us use some common sense in this evaluation. To date, the reason the United States has been a magnet for immigrants is personal freedom.  People have wanted to come here not for the freebees the millennials demand but to live their lives as they choose instead of being confined to rules of conduct that in their country of birth may have existed for hundreds of years.  Those systems were developed for the rich and powerful to maintain their influence and wealth.  In order to do that, the rich and powerful must control those who are not rich and powerful.


With the personal freedom the potential immigrants seek, they desire to become one of the rich and powerful, but that goal can only be achieved if there is opportunity. In today’s economy, there is not enough opportunity for everyone to find work.  The rich CEOs of the large companies in our country have exported those needed jobs to other countries in search of larger compensation.  They don’t care where the money comes from as long as it becomes theirs.


In a welfare society as it currently exists in this country, welfare must be supported by taxes on the workers or increased public debt. To have to pay taxes, one must have a job and therein is the problem.  Therefore, what will result with open borders is a huge population seeking a job that does not exist in their search for a better life.


Most countries sending us their emigrants are sending us their undereducated people. These countries want to keep the educated persons who can help their economy and willingly send us those who they don’t want. Without a huge working population, there is no tax base to support millions on welfare.  To finance all this welfare, the country’s debt will keep increasing until the dollar sinks in value to the point that we cannot pay our bills and bankruptcy is reached.  Bankruptcy would have the wealthy having removed their money out of country to a safe haven if they can find one and create another 1930s Depression only worse.


With open borders, what is to prevent 50,000 immigrants from coming into the country each day? At that rate, it will take about sixteen years for our population to double to 600 million and those citizens born in this country will become the minority.  Is this what Americans want or don’t they care?  If we have an economy that is currently having trouble providing full employment with 320 million people, how will it be possible to find jobs for 600 million?  How will those people support themselves?  Where will the money come from to provide the welfare benefits that these immigrants will need to stay alive without work?


Once again, if there are no jobs for these immigrants, what will they do? The likely scenario is that eventually they will sink into permanent poverty or resort to violence. Sadly, the black inner city residents may be the poster children for what happens.  Don’t you think that before we have open borders immigration we should help those who are here now and need our help?  The only reason open borders immigration is desired by politicians is to grow the voting population that favors their party so they can control government force.  We can see how that has turned out.


With open borders, drugs flood and jihadists waltz into our country. Both do their damage to our people—and the politicians don’t give a crap.  Scumbags all.


The final open border result is our population exploding with violence and anarchy everywhere if law enforcement cannot maintain law and order. Only the 70,000,000 plus constitutionally authorized militia members will be able to quell the domestic insurrection.  The United States may become and maybe forever remain a large third rate banana republic.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (my August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment(my March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you