My understanding of nullification is that it is a state’s right to refuse to follow and enforce federal government laws and regulations in areas that are not specifically delegated to the federal government by the United States Constitution


Since there is no mention of Presidential Executive Orders in the Constitution, does this not mean that nullification is applicable for all Presidential Executive Orders and the refusal to follow and enforce them is appropriate? Do executive orders assume powers not delegated to the President by the Constitution?


In the past, the Supreme Court has ruled on nullification and might again. The current Supreme Court by ignoring the Affordable Care Act as written has placed itself above the law and started the slide into anarchy. How can they be trusted to rule on nullification when they have already demonstrated that they do not believe in the written rule of law? If nullification were implemented and the Supreme Court ruled against nullification, are not the states obligated to ignore the court, continue with nullification and ignore all subsequent Supreme Court decisions issued by this Court?


Sadly, each of the Justices took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and with their Affordable Care Act decisions, six of them have violated that oath and must be impeached. Anarchists do not belong on the United States Supreme Court.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you