Once again NSA spying on Americans is in the news.  Once again our brain dead politicians are falling all over themselves to say it is necessary.  The politicians are wrong and they have disqualified themselves from representing you and I.


NSA is the American Gestapo and too many politicians love it.  By the way, by supporting the NSA domestic spying they are violating the oath they took to follow and support the Constitution of the United States of America.  Sadly, politicians do not worry about oaths.


The key to detecting and preventing Islamic terrorism here in the United States is human intelligence.  With NSA collecting billions of metadata, there is no way they can accurately come close to properly evaluating all the intelligence collected.  There is just too much data.  Instead of following up on human intelligence and concentrating on high risk targets, our brain dead members of congress want to support and throw more money at a failed system.  Our federal law enforcement officials are complicit in this failure.  Please note that I discuss the NSA problem in my book.


The NSA was created to collect data on foreign governments where the mission was more clearly defined.  It needs to stay in that area, but you must know that its efforts in that area are futile as well.  Without human intelligence, the data is just a lot of noise.  In those cases where foreign human intelligence has helped us like the Osama Bin Laden case, we have abandoned and failed to help those who have helped us.  With Obama wanting to use drones to kill terrorists, nobody is being captured to provide human intelligence so he can keep Gitmo spic and span clean.  I hope we can get rid of Obama before he accidently starts World War III.

Ernie Kanak

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