Now is the time to change our politics. The system of two political parties has failed the people of this country and it looks like these parties want to make it worse.  One thing is certain and that is there are too many candidates running for and getting elected to political offices who are not interested in serving– only in how they can game the system to their benefit.  Hey fellow Americans, wake up and fix it before the point of no return is reached and this country joins the Roman Empire on the political scrap heap.


First we have the establishment Republicans who want to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the Republican candidate for President. This childish political behavior defines a shoddy organization.  Those poor little things want to pick up their marbles and go home because they might not have things done their way.  The Republicans are good only at losing Presidential elections because of inept candidate selection.


Then we have the big government communist wannabe Democrats. Their likely candidate for President is a known liar who blatantly lied to the American people when she promoted the story that the Benghazi attack was due to a video instead of terrorists.  She then lied to the relatives of those four men who were killed.  A recent Defense Department email made public reported that the State Department was advised that a rescue team was ready to assist those under attack in Benghazi and awaited State Department confirmation to proceed.  According to the news report, no State Department answer was received.  Where were President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton during this time and what were they doing that was so important that they did not try rescue those four men?  Do you want a person who you cannot trust to come to your aid when needed as your President and Commander-in-Chief?  What truly happened at Benghazi has been discounted by the politicians because all professional politicians’ loyalty is to their political party—not to our country.  The bottom line is that the re-election of Barack Obama was more important to the Democratic Party than telling the truth and saving the lives of the four men who died.  Neither party can be trusted to worry and look out for you and I.  Their politics and political affiliation are more important to them.  That is why that now is the time for a new political party.


For this coming election, it is probably not possible to form and make a new political party operational. So, let the politicians run as Democrats and Republicans.  After the election, each newly elected official must use introspection and decide whether they are for themselves as usually is done or will they subvert those feelings and pledge their loyalty to the good people of the United States.  If they place the people first, then they join the new as yet unnamed political party.  It is not unusual for politicians to switch parties, so this is not a new idea.  This new political party should welcome all elected officials that truly are willing to place the people of this country first.  The electorate must determine to best of their ability whether a candidate will place country first.  Signing a pledge to do that would help.  No signed pledge, no vote.  The hope would be that the newly elected officials would have the integrity and courage to leave their Republican and Democratic parties to join the new party in large enough numbers that they could change the status quo and begin moving towards saving our country and our American way of life.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you