When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


The politics in this country has become so toxic that the warfare must be stopped before the constitutional militia is required to quell the insurrection.


It was recently reported by Judicial Watch that the Trump Administration is resisting filling FOIA requests much like the Obama gang did. Who is obstructing this information release?  Judicial Watch is suggesting “Extreme Transparency.[1]”  “With the stroke of a pen, President Trump and his cabinet secretaries can order the release of all government records concerning any number of important issues and lingering questions.”[2]  Why hasn’t this been done?


After more than seven months in office, doesn’t the Trump administration need to inform the American public why so many holdover officials are still in the positions they held during the Obama administration? Corruption was king during that time.  Is corruption still the main course?


The Trump Inquisition continues despite no evidence. It is suggested that a FOIA request be made for all FBI communications with the White House during the time when Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the FBI Director and former President Barack Obama was politicizing the FBI and Intelligence agencies.  Those communications should make very interesting reading.


[1] Chris Farrell, The Judicial Watch Verdict, Volume 23, Issue 8, August 2017

[2] Ibid

Ernie Kanak

No thank you