Many years ago it was nice to listen to the broadcast mainstream news and have the news anchor relate a feel good report. It must have been because there was no bad news to report.  Now I know that all the news—good and bad—was not being reported.  Were the reports broadcast news or propaganda?  A friend told me to try listening to the Fox News Channel.


I switched my watching the news to Fox and now I have another problem. Fox as you know tries to present both sides of an issue.  When many of the liberal leftists present their views and opinions, many times it is hard to believe they are telling the truth.  They quote what they call facts and opinions without identifying the source.  Are they presenting their propaganda as the truth?


The media political commentators rely too much on potentially fixed polls in their election reports but then they must use something as the basis for their conclusions. Luckily, the primary voting is about to begin.  Politics, politics, politics are all the news media wants to report.  They report on some actor’s opinions without acknowledging that actors are paid to portray fictitious characters.  What makes them expert on anything except acting?


Why doesn’t the media have a solutions desk which only reports on ways this country can attempt to solve our problems. It is unlikely that this could be done on a daily or weekly basis, so make it a feature presentation.  The politicians spend all their time spending our tax monies and never offer any solutions to our problems.  If they offer a solution in the form of a bill, the news media should but won’t report the bills originator and its cosponsors.  Once reported, media should but won’t track the progress of the bill.  If the bill doesn’t make it out of committee, report it and tell us why—which the media won’t do.   Make it a requirement that before any election politicians must offer their solution to several serious problems and have the media publish a signed contract that makes them resign when they don’t deliver within one year of election.  All of this is pie in the sky because the media has no integrity and willingness to keep the public accurately informed.  If it doesn’t generate sales and profits, they are not interested.  They consider the First Amendment a joke until they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Why do you want to watch the broadcast networks when their news, regular programming and commercials are all loaded with subtle propaganda generated by an entertainment industry which by and large hates America.


The truth and nothing but the truth—is that too much to ask? When?



Ernie Kanak

No thank you