When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Once again the politicians have lied to us and mucked up any legislative fixes for healthcare and tax reform. Are you as mad at these simpletons as am I?  I hope so because it is time we start to fix it.


They are not the only problem. The fascist propaganda press–mainstream media—has appeared to have convinced their audience that there are problems when no evidence of a problem exists.  In other words, the press lies to an audience that believes the lies.  They are a serious problem to our constitutional republic which has a constitution protecting freedom of the press ON THE ASSMUMPTION THAT THE PRESS IS REPORTING THE TRUTH.  But hasn’t the Supreme Court ruled that even press propaganda is protected?  These media institutions and their owners are a threat to our country’s political stability and must be vigorously opposed.  In order to restore the true meaning of freedom of the press, the American public must financially destroy these malicious media organizations and their owners.  An Internet search should allow the public to learn who these owners and their allies are.


Money and re-election are the reasons we have corrupt politics and politicians. We can solve this one.  There is no reason any politician must be re-elected.  Beyond the first term, too many members join the swamp President Trump is trying to drain.  We need single term Members of Congress to eliminate the need for money for re-election.  One way to effect this change is to amend the Constitution to a single four year term for Representatives and a single six year term for Senators.  Another way is for the American voter to decide enough is enough is enough and decide to experiment at the next election by rejecting the re-election bids for all current Members of Congress.  It is time to see if that strategy works to get improved congressional performance.  Under this scenario, there is no need to donate to any political party.  For whom do you vote?  You don’t want to vote for a Republican because they only lie to you and wet their pants when asked to govern.  You don’t want to vote for a Democrat because like all good fascists, they want to control the whole American population and make every American a slave to the government.  Under this election experiment, if a true Independent with no ties to any Independent Party were to run, if qualified, why not vote for that person? Since the aim of this reform is to destroy party loyalty and replace it with constituent and country loyalty, there should be no problem with a true independent working with a President whose objective and actions are directed to helping the good people of this country.  We seem to have forgotten that to have a great country we must all work together for our common goal.  To protect the public, make all candidates sign a legally enforceable accountability contract for recall by the public due to non performance.


In the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) if passed, the six judges masquerading as Supreme Court Justices, who have in fact have demonstrated political activism, could be removed from office by a public petition and subsequent vote. This would also apply to federal judges who want to follow the Supreme Court’s lead and legislate from the bench.  If the Supreme Court legislated again, with an Accountability Amendment the public could overturn that decision.  If the Congress passed another atrocity like the Affordable Care Act, the public by petition and national vote could repeal the law.  If a bureaucrat was corrupt, the public could remove that person.  Note:  All federal bureaucrats should be appointed to a single nonrenewable 5 year term.  If the President reappointed the bureaucrat, the public could remove the President.  If made part of our Constitution, it would make the public—not the untrustworthy politicians–the final arbitrator of how we are willing to be governed.  Please note that the Accountability Amendment would not allow the public to replace the three branches of government—only reject persons and actions taken by any of those three branches of the federal government.  That is why everyone in the federal government would probably live in fear of being removed by the public and hopefully give all members of the federal government a very strong incentive to stay accountable to their constituents and within the confines of our Constitution.


The Judiciary Amendment removes federal lifetime appointments and makes federal judges run as politicians for a single 10 year nonrenewable term. In retrospect, a 5 year term might yield better government.  In conjunction with the Accountability Amendment, if these judges do not perform as necessary, they can be removed by the public.


Only American voters who provide a photo ID would have their votes counted. Photo ID is a precondition to vote on any action using the Accountability Amendment.  Since it would be a constitutional amendment, the Supreme Court must accept this precondition.


Like all new ideas, learning how best to use this people power would experience some bumps in the road early after approval. If for some reason, these changes cause major problems, remember that our founding fathers’ wisdom gave us a way to change the Constitution by amending it.  Remember that the only constant thing in everyone’s life is change.


In the meantime, we can’t let work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we? More and more it looks like being a member of congress is a part time job and deserves part time pay and no benefits.


The corruption and sabotage being generated by longtime bureaucrats and Obama appointees who leak classified information to the fascist media clearly highlights why all government employees must be term limited. Except for the military and maybe some first responders, once again it is suggested that all government employees be limited to a single nonrenewable 5 year term.  To prevent the problems the states and cities are having with pensions, all government employees including Congress must convert to a 401k retirement plan and must use the same health insurance plans as the general public.  Currently, Congress doesn’t care if Obamacare is repealed because they have their own sweetheart health plan.


It is really sad to note that too many law schools no longer teach law. It appears that these schools are following the lead of journalism schools which no longer teach journalism.  The major problem these professions have is they rely more on “is it legal?” instead of “is it right or wrong?” and our country is the loser.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you