When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Why Socialism/Communism?

It has troubled this observer that billionaires love capitalism and free markets while they are becoming richer and richer. It is almost universal that when they have mega bucks, they suddenly decide that they prefer socialism and perhaps communism.  Why?  The only thing that makes sense is that during their climb up the financial ladder, they learn that all that money buys influence to get what they want.  Then they realize that socialism and communism concentrates power and control in the hands of fewer people, so buying influence is easier.


Wealth Tax

Maybe this country needs to start taxing wealth above a certain threshold. The family business owner and family owned farms should be exempt from this tax.  If a fifty million dollar threshold were instituted, then at this point in time, would only the mega rich have to pay this tax?  The country would benefit because these tax monies would be directed to be used only to reduce the national debt.  The law should stipulate debt reduction can only be changed by passage of a law needing 80% of the House and Senate votes.  Why 80%?  In the past, the Congress stole the money taken from each worker’s paycheck put into the Social Security Trust Fund to get re-elected.  Now they want to tell everyone social security is an entitlement.  Wrong!! Wrong!!  Congress cannot be trusted with our money.



If an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution was passed, and the Supreme Court ruled the wealth tax law was unconstitutional, then the public would be able to overrule the Supreme Court. Better to have 320 million people having the opportunity to decide how we are governed than potentially nine political activist justices.


Illegal Immigration

It makes no sense to tolerate repeat immigration alien invaders by deporting them only to have them return. To send them to an American jail only provides them with free room and board and health care at American taxpayer expense.  What would happen if these alien invaders were shot once they illegally crossed the border?  What if repeat invaders were automatically executed if apprehended illegally entering the United States after being deported?  There is no doubt that they are guilty, so why would there be any need for a lawyer to do anything?



For any of the above to be implemented, the public needs will need to contact their three members of congress and demand change.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you