When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Since 9-11-2001, the United States has engaged in a war against radical Islam.


We attacked the terrorist’s sanctuary in Afghanistan, but never destroyed the jihadists. Moreover, a supposed ally in Pakistan has supported the terrorists by giving them sanctuary.  During the administrations of Bush and Obama, many mistakes were made mostly by the politicians who either did not have the backbone or the political will to solve the problem.  From this inaction, ISIS was born. During this period the Muslim nations have allowed terrorists to commit genocide against Christians without any consequences.  That leaves us with the mess we have today.


The United States now has a President who wants to finally solve the problems and try to establish peace. He has in place a competent Secretary of Defense and generals.  Previous Secretaries of Defense may have also been competent, but the politicians in Washington worried more about politics instead of winning the war and establishing peace.  As a result, they continually screwed things up.  Only a moron would try to micromanage a war from the White House.


During all this incompetence, Christian genocide continued. Christians who along with the Jews have been in the Middle East for two thousand years have no sanctuary, so they continue to get slaughtered.  The Christians must have a Middle Eastern sanctuary.  How can this be done?


From all accounts in the news, the Syrian Democratic Forces are not trusted by the American military supporting them. For years their loyalty to whom has been questioned.  What this observer is about to propose will not find favor with the Muslim Arabs and Kurds.  It is time to start recruiting Christian Arabs exclusively into the Syrian Democratic Forces to fight the terrorists with the prospect that this force will become so large that it will handily defeat ISIS and Bashar Assad’s Iranian and Russian backed forces to then lay claim to the land they occupy. This sanctuary area must begin at the Israeli and Lebanese borders and spread north and east.  If Hezbollah in Lebanon contest this action, they must be exterminated for the ruthless terrorists they are. It will be the beginning of a Middle Eastern Christian sanctuary that so far the Muslim Arabs have prevented.  It is not a religious war although that is what ISIS has been waging.  The critics especially the American Fascist Democratic Party will call it a religious war—but this action will only be fixing a problem too long ignored by the so-called civilized world.  Besides the American Fascist Democratic Party lies so much who can believe anything they say.


The so-called peaceful Muslims still have their religion which calls for killing infidels. Until their religion is reformed, Muslims will be a constant threat to world peace.


As part of the sanctuary creation, a large part of Syrian land near Turkey should be established so that the Muslims who emigrated to Europe can return home to the Middle East. Naturally in the interest of world peace, the rest of the world should help support both of these sanctuaries for 5-10 years until these refugees can establish a permanent home.  Without a Christian presence in the Middle East, there will never be peace.

Ernie Kanak

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