When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.


My book has more suggestions on ways to fix our government. It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.  It takes about 4 hours to read cover to cover.



With the election of a new Mexican government, maybe it is time to change how we deal with them, Latin American and other countries. For instance, if Mexico and Latin America do not want to help us prevent violations of our southern border by their citizens, maybe we need to make some changes to convince them that they must help.  For other countries, illegal entry and visa violations are problems which must be fixed.


Over the last decades, our southern border has been invaded by all classes of people from terrorists who wish to harm us to poor uneducated persons wanting to improve their lives. Our government has no clue as to how many persons have come across that border and which ones have evil intent.  This must be stopped.  EVERYONE WHO UNLAWFULLY ENTERS OUR COUNTRY IS AN INVADER, SO IF OUR MILITARY WERE TO DEFEND OUR BORDER WITH ORDERS TO SHOOT TO KILL ANYONE WHO INVADES THIS COUNTRY, illegal crossings should dramatically drop.  To convince all countries that we mean business about eliminating illegal border crossings, illegal alien interdictions and visa violations, there should be a total shutdown of all southern border crossings into the United States for one week.  No commerce, no trucks, no nothing.  It also means that the income that these countries derive from commerce with the United States will be reduced.  Any foreign aid is reduced by 50%.  In addition, a 5% surcharge should be levied on all international money transfers from the U.S. into Mexico, Latin America and other selected countries.  These actions should get their attention.  The insane Democrats and their insane mainstream media propaganda ministers will scream.  Before these screams get too loud, the left and their masters need to review the fascist and communist tactics they have used for years to gain power, control and promote disruption and anarchy.


The border shutdown would mean that all American businesses that employ Mexicans who cross the border into the U.S. every day to work will not show up for work for one week. If those businesses employed Americans, there would be no problem.


If these countries cooperate but only for a short time, the monetary surcharge must be increased and the border completely shut down for two weeks or more. Visa violations must be accorded a higher priority so deportations can be increased.  Wall Street and almost every person who claims to be a financial expert or pundit will scream gloom and doom, but what do you expect from someone whose self interest is using this country only to get rich and richer.  Worries about the everyday American citizen are way down on their desirable needs lists.


Once the border wall is complete and the U.S. immigration laws are changed to meet this country’s current and future needs, then depending on the degree of foreign cooperation, a reduction or elimination of the surcharge and border shutdowns can be evaluated. Also with sufficient Homeland Security staffing and the WALL, the military should no longer be needed to defend and protect our southern border.


After we have good border and immigration control, we must locate and increase deportation of visa violators. Since our government has no idea of the illegal alien population, could we have as many as 50,000.000 illegals living in this country?  This observer suspects the answer could be yes.



















Ernie Kanak

No thank you