As a Medicare recipient, I have benefitted from the system and it is why I am alive today. Can it be improved and hopefully saved for future generations? It must be saved, but it also must be reformed.


As I wrote in my book, we should eliminate low cost routine medical visits from Medicare coverage. As I explained in my book, we as patients should pay the costs for a doctor visit when the charge is less than $100. The doctor would not report to Medicare any visits for which the charge is less than $100. The administrative costs for doctors are too high because the government requires all these reports and they just don’t care how this affects Medicare costs. The really sad part is that there is zero public confidence in the federal government keeping your medical records secure and private. They have already demonstrated that they cannot keep any but the most secret documents secure. Why? The government just doesn’t care—no matter what they say.


One way for the individual to reduce his costs is to have supplemental Medicare (Medigap) insurance to pay for approved Medicare costs not paid for by Medicare. Medicare currently pays 80% of the Part B approved costs. Government costs will decrease if Medicare’s participation percentage is decreased. It is suggested that every year the Medicare cost participation be reduced by 1%. This will gradually increase the costs of Medigap policies as the patient’s share is increased. At some point, the government’s Medicare costs will be reduced to acceptable levels. Since this proposal is an insurance company’s license to steal, maximum profitability limits must be set for this type of insurance policy. Legislation—when Congress can find time from their numerous vacations to show up for work–must allow for accumulated Health Savings Account (HSA) funds to be used to pay for Medigap premiums.


For those persons who do not have the money to pay for Medigap insurance, they must use Medicaid. Medicaid cannot be free. Every time it is used, they must pay at least $20. Every subsequent time they use Medicaid, the use charge increases by $5 and, since the states are liable for more and more of these costs, the state electronic record keeping will likely be more accurate to determine the charge for each visit. At some time, people must take responsibility for their health care costs.


For each non citizen use of Medicaid, a charge is billed to their country of origin. When their country of origin refuses to pay, the medical service is refused. Patient refusal to identify country of origin automatically generates a service refusal. Congress must do the right thing and change the medical treatment law—let Obama veto it and show about whom he really cares—illegal immigrants or US citizens.


The Democrats want all illegals to vote for them so they will object to these reforms. The Democratic communist wannabes will never agree to any changes that jeopardizes their access to illegal voter fraud. The Republican communist wannabes have lied to the people about what they would do if given the power and with that power have done nothing.


If the people of this country were given the right to petition and recall government officials, overrule new laws and regulations and negate Supreme Court decisions as I state in the American Manifesto in my book, then and only then will the people have a say on what their government does. Elections are rigged, so it appears that only mass demonstrations by the people or a national economy shutdown for a week will get the politician’s and propaganda press’ attention. If my election analysis is wrong, then maybe only the election of a reform President who will fight to return the power back to the people may be our hope to save the country—excluding the Constitutional remedy for a domestic insurrection—the militia.


Oh yes, the Republican Senate must use the nuclear option rule to pass urgently needed legislation and show fidelity to this country and its citizens instead to their political party and Senate rules.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you