Do you think that the American voter should be selecting politicians based on likeability or honesty and competence? It makes sense that when you go to the movies that you like the actors and sitting through a movie can be enjoyable.  It makes absolutely no sense to vote for a politician based solely on likeability.  For instance, an inexperienced 18 year old young man or woman may be extremely likeable.  Does that mean you should vote for them if they run for political office?  If your answer is no, why not?  If you like them, are they not good candidates for political office?


What if this very likeable candidate is a compulsive liar? You vote for him or her, correct?  If you say no, why don’t you want to vote for this very likeable liar?  Voting for any known liar will normally only be done by a uniformed voter who has no ethical standards.


What if the political candidate is a minority and the office being sought has never had a minority office holder? You vote for this candidate, correct?  If you say no, why not?  You did it for Obama and he rewarded you with lies about the terrible health care system very few people like, added 9 trillion dollars of national debt the millennials will have to repay, has no clue on how to fight terrorism and conduct foreign policy, ignores the Constitution except when it meets his needs and has expanded Regulation Nation by having issued hundreds of new regulations damaging the economy and good paying jobs.  Is his transformation of the United States into a banana republic complete?


What if the political candidate is a woman and the office being sought has never had a woman office holder? You vote for this candidate, correct?  If you say no, why not?   Hillary Clinton is another person who has lied to the American people (about Benghazi and her emails) and as Secretary of State had a personal internet server installed in her home.  Can she prove that her server was never compromised and state secrets were not stolen?  We all await an answer that will never come.  If based solely on her gender, the women of this country vote for another lawless presidential candidate, it may begin the destruction of this country.  Maybe they don’t care.  Maybe they are not smart enough to see what they could be doing.


The person running for the office is a professional politician who has been a politician for years and did nothing to prevent the 2008 economic meltdown, so they must be qualified for the new job, correct? If you say no, why not?


If the person running for President considers himself or herself to be a victim, wouldn’t you like this person to become Commander In Chief of the military which defends us and tries to keep us safe? If you say no, why not?  A victim as Commander in Chief?  Are you insane or just kidding?


All of the above are reasons people have voted for someone seeking political office and many have been elected solely for one or more of these reasons. Were competence, integrity and the ability to do the job ever considered in this evaluation?  Probably not because the uninformed voter and the political parties do not seem to be interested in electing honest competent candidates.  Honest candidates are bad for the political class because they will likely be more difficult for the political establishment to control than a corrupt politician.  Political parties want their members to have allegiance to the party—not allegiance to our country despite the oath they take when sworn in.  No wonder this country is FUBAR.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you