The American public is being asked to decide between a man who lets his mouth run away with his brain and a woman who gets away with criminal activity because she has political influence. It is a tough decision.  The decision is made more difficult by a mad dog media who so hate the man that they resort to character assassination and propaganda instead of the truth.


Polls can be rigged by how questions are asked and the poll political population. Almost every poll is co-sponsored by a member of the mad dog media.  That being the case, the poll results reported cannot be trusted.  To try to establish credibility, the mad dog media poll results will report that the man’s poll numbers are getting much better and he may even be leading when that is not true.  All the pundits and newscasters will use these poll results as if they were the gospel and make their predictions.


During this time the establishment in one political party is registering dead people, illegal aliens, etc. to vote.


Someone in either the establishment or media will research their files to uncover a negative event that might harm the man and divert attention from the illegal voter registrations.


A negative event will be reported that is so bad that the man’s poll numbers will begin to drop and the woman’s poll numbers will increase beyond the truth. This will be done within a week of the election so the time to uncover the truth will not be long enough to correct.


There are two objectives to this scenario. First if the pollsters predict a fictitiously large gap in voter preference for the woman, they want the man’s voters to stay home and not vote.  Second, predicting a large gap is intended to provide cover for voter fraud.


If you think this scenario cannot happen, what are you smoking or shooting up?


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you