There seems to be a problem with lawyers who become President. Many of them do not believe in the rule of law and consider themselves above the law.


President Nixon thought he was above the law until the truth came out about Watergate and, to his credit, he resigned.


President Gerald Ford, also an attorney, and after Watergate, appeared to follow the rule of law. After the Nixon debacle, it would have been dumb to do otherwise.


The next lawyer to become President was Bill Clinton and he lied under oath about his sexual affair and escaped impeachment. He was disbarred. Another lawyer who considered himself above the law?


The next lawyer president was George W. Bush. President Bush pushed passage of the Patriot Act which gave the federal government and NSA powers which intruded too much on individual personal freedoms. In addition, he did not enforce immigration laws. He placed himself and his administration above the law when he did not honor his oath to enforce the law.


President Obama, in my opinion, does not believe the Constitution applies to him. He has put himself and his administration so far above the law that he probably should be arrested and be in jail instead of in the White House. He can do this because he knows that the professional politicians in Congress place their loyalty to party ahead of their loyalty to our country. They take our money and throw us under the bus. This country might not survive if Obama finishes his second term, so he must be impeached along the six anarchist Supreme Court Justices who voted for Obamacare. This country must return to the Rule of Law.


Now we have more lawyers running for President. One candidate has already demonstrated distain for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. If that person were to become President, our Constitutional Republic might not survive.


Any professional politician who is also a lawyer is to me suspect of ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law. Will the trend of politicians who consider themselves above the law continue or will the American voting public become smart enough to save our country. Based on past performance, it is doubtful that the political pundits and analysts will be helpful in evaluating the candidates because they are part of the system. And for sure, the propaganda press will completely ignore the problem and continue with their communist wannabe agenda. Can we survive? I don’t know.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you