When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The Democratic Party is terrified that having Judge Kavanaugh appointed to the Supreme Court will start the return of this country back to constitutional rule of law. Fewer left wing activist Supreme Court rulings would be a vast improvement in the Court.  To try to stop this appointment, Democrats and their minions are slandering this poor man.  Within days of the slander initiation, 65 women many of whom have known the judge for years have contradicted the slander and endorsed the judge.


We know that there are a few Republican Senators who are playing games with this country’s future solely for TV face time and to show everyone how important they think they are. This is what is wrong and has been for decades with the U.S. Senate.  These senators think they are gods and try to act that way.  The good of the country does not matter to these individuals.  They think that they are more important.


It is hoped that the FBI investigation ordered by President Trump will be fair and honest–if any honest and impartial FBI agents still exist. With charges like this one, it is only fair that the accuser be subjected to the same type of FBI investigation as the accused.  Absent this accuser investigation, the Democratic Party has succeeded in starting another witch hunt without any evidence.  Obviously they have no use for fairness and the rule of law.  Any future charades like this one must include a FBI background investigation of both parties.  In addition, the rules of the Senate must be changed, if necessary, to state that all charges made after the candidate’s interviews and interrogation by the Senators will not be not be considered.


It is interesting to note that everyone except the accuser has sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and now the Democrats have displayed total ignorance of it by declaring Judge Kavanaugh guilty without providing any evidence and constitutional due process protection. Did you expect anything fair from these Democratic witch hunters?


It was wonderful to see the Judge have the guts to defend his family and his reputation while declaring the Democrats were on a search and destroy mission. This country needs nine impartial constitutional justices on our Supreme Court—no more biased activist justices who are destroying our country.


May Judge Kavanaugh go with God and be confirmed to be a Supreme Court Justice.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you