Due to President Obama, we are still fighting in Iraq instead of assisting to provide a stable and relatively secure environment for the people of Iraq. That being stated, it is possible that the situation with ISIS has regressed to the point that the political situation in Iraq cannot be repaired.  Some TV analysts have suggested that it may be time to break up the existing Iraq nation into the population groups that currently exist.  It would then appear that the United States should be considering that we must deal with a Kurdish nation, an Iraqi Sunni nation, and an Iraqi Shiite nation with Bagdad as its capital.  It should be pointed out that the population segment (Christians) which has been there for thousands of years is not represented.  That is not fair and it is wrong.  It should be the policy of the world and the United States—since the corrupt United Nations will not–to provide aid to the extent needed to these four population groups.


Therefore ISIS must be eliminated totally and a regime change made in Syria with a new Christian nation created from part of Syria. The Arab Muslims have discriminated against and murdered Christians for far too long in the Middle East.  At the same time organizations like the Iranian supported terrorist group Hezbollah must be eliminated from Lebanon and possibly Lebanon should become another Christian nation.  What to do with the Muslims in these new Christian countries?  While exterminating terrorists, the new Christian nations will have to determine how they handle their existing moderate Muslim populations.  All of these new countries may choose not to be democracies but choose another form of government.  The reason for the formation of these new nations is to bring the needed peace and political stability to these Middle Eastern countries which they will never find with the present political regimes.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you