The Iranians have responded to the death of their chief terrorist leader. According to the TV news reports, it has been reported that while Iran fired missiles at air bases where American troops were housed, no Americans and supposedly no Iraqis were killed. That is good news. Speculation is that Iran deliberately missed killing more Americans to avoid retaliation. This may also be true. Why?

The news has reported that Iran has speeded up their uranium enrichment process to more quickly have enough fissional material for an atomic bomb. Speculation is that they may be only months away from the bomb. What if the time span is only weeks instead of months? If this is true, the Iranians who are not dumb do not want any United States retaliation against those sites until a bomb has been tested. It is this observer’s opinion that this is the reason Iran’s response was so limited. They want to finish the enrichment and test a bomb before entering into any negotiations.

The only hope the world has that Iran will not have a bomb—assuming they already do not have one—is to have the world inspect all of their known and secret nuclear sites now. Good luck with any voluntary inspection.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you