Today’s young people are no longer taught to think but are indoctrinated into believing that the state is correct to promote the ideas of entitlement, diversity and political censorship—whoops political correctness..  Interestingly, this indoctrination tactic is one which was used by Adolf Hitler to indoctrinate the German youth before World War II.   Today too many school districts use these ideas along with Gestapo tactics to browbeat the students and parents into conforming to what the school administration wants.  This is wrong.  All the students must be treated as equals—which is good—and rewarded equally regardless of how each individual performs—which is stupid.  What this practice does is create a sense of entitlement which tells the student they don’t have to work hard to be rewarded. It should be noted that in recent years the news has reported that cheating in school has become more acceptable.   Many students are spoon fed this garbage which they accept as the truth.  The real world does not reward losers with trophies.  After years of entitlement, some individuals become enraged when their demands are not rewarded.  The emotionally unstable ones find a way to strike back at society by turning to violence.  This is how our government and school policies help create mass murderers.  The WW II veterans had an acronym to describe these policies—SNAFU.


The teachers in school districts who practice this insanity are as guilty as the administrators.  If the teachers had any integrity they would refuse to go along with stupid practices such a Common Core.  Isn’t it wonderful that in today’s schools that the teachers are so incompetent that they do not know when a student has learned enough to be promoted?  Do you believe that?  Instead of teacher input our “wonderful” government has set up a battery of tests that determine progress—oh yes, I forgot that failure is not allowed.  The teachers have a college degree and then throw that degree away so they can act like good union workers and do what they are told.  Do these teachers believe that if they banded together with the parents of their students to oppose stupid administration policies that the school administration and school board would fire them?  Aren’t the teachers’ unions supposed to support their members?  If the school administration tries to blackball a teacher who speaks out against school policies and is fired, should not the union lawyers defend that person in court?  If any union does not stand up defend a member who has been politically blackballed, what good is the union?  Is the union there only to buy politicians and bankrupt the school district with unrealistic wage and benefit demands?


If the school’s parents do not support good teaching practice, why work there?  If the teachers in a school district do not protest poor teaching practices, they are indirectly approving the system and bear responsibility for poorly educated students much like the German populace were responsible for the Nazi death camps.


Stupid college administrators are banning free speech or creating free speech areas on campus.  Maybe these same administrators have never heard of the Constitution.  How could someone who has never heard of the United States Constitution ever be promoted to a position of authority?  Communists do it, but here?   Oh yes, we can’t talk about our problems.  It is not permitted.  Censorship—not correctness is the villain here.  What this means is that the school system may have too many incompetent administrators and they have nothing to do except to formulate, issue and enforce stupid rules and regulations.


If a person is having mental problems, current practice is to ignore the problem.  If you ignore the problem it will go away—right?  Wrong!!!  No truly bad problem is solved by ignoring it as this country tries to do with mental health.  Anecdotal reports suggest that the mentally ill are ignored until they commit a crime at which time they are incarcerated.  Makes sense, huh?  Instead of recognizing and helping the mentally ill as an outpatient at a mental health facility, we fill our jails with the mentally ill and criminals.  Oh yes, it makes a lot of financial sense too because we taxpayers can pay for 24/7/365 care for these people in prison instead of outpatient treatment.  But we can’t talk about it because of censorship.  No stigma there.  We wait until the sick really do something stupid such a mass murder whereupon our politicians cry for more gun control while ignoring the real problem.  But then what do you expect from one of our elected politicians?  Certainly not the truth.  Oh yes, professional politicians don’t know how to solve problems.  They only talk about them and try to get re-elected for another term.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you