When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Based on the educational statistics published in recent years, millennials educated in our public schools are leaving those schools dumber and dumber. Is it their fault?  NO.  For at least the last 30 years, school districts and teachers have been tinkering with education using half baked ideas that have intimidated young students into believing that they are dumb.  New math is one of the stupidest ideas yet.  According to my understanding of the latest version, the answer to a math problem is not constant.  As a retired engineer, I can tell you that 2 plus 2 will always be 4 until hell freezes over.  Anyone who tries to teach or tell you there is more than one answer is an imbecile.  The objective of these educational monkeyshines is to confuse the student in order to make the student more dependent on the teacher for the answer which in turn is intended to brainwash and indoctrinate the student into believing that the government (teacher) knows best.  Some parents have learned that the best way to prevent their children from being brainwashed and indoctrinated is to home school them.


Entitlement is an indoctrination method. By awarding a participation trophy to each student, the lesson is that the participant is entitled to a trophy regardless of performance.  These youngsters gladly accept the trophy and entitlement principle.  Those who go to college get more indoctrination from their big government loving leftist professors.  Reality begins to set in when they try to get a job.  If they get the job, now their ability to keep that job is measured by job performance—not just by showing up.  They are not prepared for this.


When they begin to have problems, now the political correctness (censorship) indoctrination method is used. Censorship is one of the best ways to prevent intelligent discussion of the problem.  All the millennials who have been indoctrinated and find a job now begin to learn that entitlement and political correctness are a fraud.  Companies are in business to make a profit and are not interested in coddling employees when there are many more job applicants than available jobs.


When this observer was going to college in the 1960s, one joke was that some students at the University of Miami were pursuing a degree in basket weaving. It is unknown if such a degree was offered, but obviously there was no demand for that kind of degree in commerce.  It was a rich kid’s degree.  Have today’s college students ignored the employment opportunities for the kind of degree they want?  Have they pursued degrees that while beneficial to society may pay so little that they cannot repay their student loans after graduation?  Who is advising high school graduates on potential future jobs?  Do you think that if students were taught to think for themselves instead of being indoctrinated that those unwise decisions would be made?


The Obama Administration convinced the people that a college education was necessary to have a good life. Not true.  In the process, the Feds took over the student loan program and now the total student debt is 1.35 trillion dollars per the TV news reports.  The main objective for the college push was to get students into college so that the Communist leaning professors could indoctrinate them into becoming good communist activists who would do what they were told to do.  It worked and we have millions of simple minded college students and grads who have no clue what this country represents.  While dumb activists are living with mom and dad, millions of jobs that require the worker to use his or her hands and get dirty go vacant with no applicants.  Many of these jobs pay more than $50,000 per year and many will have benefits.  So who is the dumb one?  Is it the student who went to college, incurred debt and sits at home without a job or the one who works with his or her hands and gets dirty who is earning more than $50,000 per year with no college debt?  Oh yes, those college grads who want to have their loans forgiven will still pay because their debt will be added to the national for which they will pay until they die.  They never want to learn that the government will lie to you to get your vote to stay in power so that they can continue to lie to you.  Not too smart.


The political education system for these past 30 years has dumbed down the system to increase diversity instead of maintaining high educational standards—which are needed to compete in the world economy—because it took too much time to work with a student to meet the high standard. If they complain that there are too many students needing assistance, whose fault is that?


Indoctrination as currently practiced by the educational system destroys diversity in favor of a one size fits all uniform product. Isn’t it nice that the system is producing lots of good little robots?   Ha, ha, ha.

But they do what they are told to do!!!!!


It is doubtful that employers will provide safe spaces for anyone. Safe spaces are more indoctrination college propaganda.


Oh yes, companies will not let employees go out to protest when they are employed to do a job. This is entitlement to the extreme when an employee considers that they have the right to go protest without risking a loss of their job.  Who indoctrinated those people into believing that they could?  What are these young people smoking or taking?


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let work to be done and laws to be passed interfere with congressional recesses, can we?  The anarchist federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda.  If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every issue is revisited by different judges.  That ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you