When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Crime as defined in Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition is “an act committed in violation of a law prohibiting it, or omitted in violation of a law ordering it.” A criminal is defined as “guilty of a crime.”  Therefore, using these definitions, all illegal aliens are by definition criminals.  It is my understanding that existing law assigns guilt to anyone who aids or harbors a criminal.  Doesn’t this mean that all those people who are aiding illegal aliens have become subject to arrest for violating the law?  Oh yes, I forgot.  Those people don’t believe in the rule of law and, like some judges in our court system, seem instead to prefer anarchy.  Have we become a nation of criminals?  Since when have illegal aliens become entitled?


Dreamers are young people brought into the United States illegally by their parents. Those parents knew that they could be deported, but chose to ignore the law.  Due to inaction by the last four past presidents, the problem has exploded and has become a cancer to the rule of law.  The Democrats and establishment Republicans claim that these illegals are entitled to stay.  Not true.  Cheap labor for Democratic and Republican businessmen and illegal voters for the Democrats are what they want.  Illegals are not entitled to anything.  The problem has been greatly exacerbated to huge proportions by the federal government’s inaction for last 30 years.


One of the winners in the more illegal children situation is the teachers union. Since bilingual education is offered in most schools, the school districts must hire and pay for these teachers increasing the tax burden on local residents.  Teachers unions support the fascist Democrats and use their organizations to extort sometimes outrageous retirement benefits like one Illinois teacher’s yearly $105,000 pension.


What purpose is served by open borders immigration? If allowed, do you want a billion people living in this country?  With that many people here, native born Americans would become the minority in the country of their birth.  Do you believe that is what most Americans want?  If you say yes, then you are a world government advocate like most of the Democratic politicians in office now.  If you think that most politicians are working on your behalf, you are naïve beyond belief and would confirm the Albert Einstein quotation “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”.


Now that this country has presently avoided open borders and uncontrolled unlimited immigration—which again would make native born citizens a minority in their country of birth–by electing Donald J. Trump as our President, we need to take another look at our immigration policy. The mainstream propaganda media has supported the Democratic Party which advocates unlimited immigration. The media also censor and edit the news they report to follow a fascist political agenda.  During the 2016 Presidential election, they openly advocated against conservative views and policies to support a Democratic candidate that supported world government control of our nation.  World government is all about total population control that would destroy personal freedom and the national identity of every nation.  They seek a homogenous world population to which they as masters would dictate how these people must live their lives in minute detail.  Sound good?  If you think yes, you belong in a mental institution.  World government is another form of totalitarian government.  The European Union appears to be a mini world government organization that is destroying European national identity and replacing national government controls with dictates from unelected bureaucrats.  What happened to the diversity that the parrot media and governments keep advocating?  Ha, ha, ha, ha


Illegal immigration has caused many problems in this country. Due to political party advocacy, these problems are a source of great distress to many Americans.  Therefore, let us explore some of the problems the illegal aliens have created before we try to propose solutions.


In truth, the heart of our immigration policy should be only about following and abiding by the Rule of Law.   It would be nice if our Supreme Court would also follow the Rule of Law instead of their activist “let’s make law” anarchist philosophy, but they won’t and they will remain the Anarchist Court.  The five justices that don’t belong on the court and should be impeached will remain because the wet their pants Republican Members of Congress are spineless and the Democratic members want the totalitarian World Government favored by the UN with unelected bureaucrats controlling everything. It really appears to the public that all three branches of the Federal government believe in the Rule of Law only if meets their needs.  It is encouraging that President Trump’s Administration seems to be on the path of taking the Rule of Law seriously.


It is colossal stupidity to allow immigrants into this country from countries that support jihad without extensive vetting. Another issue is the one of assimilation. There has always been a problem with immigrant assimilation, but it becomes preeminent when religion is involved and that religion preaches jihad.  The Democrats seem to be interested only in finding more adults that they can use to illegally vote in our elections, so they oppose restricting and vetting new immigrants.  Based on recent Project Veritas videos, the illegals are expected to vote Democrat early and often.


It is time to restart a Bracero temporary worker program to help those businesses who need seasonal part time help; however, due to terrorism concerns, the temporary employer must keep the government informed on the whereabouts of all the temporary workers they employ.   A Bracero program would give the temporary workers legal work status and might help reduce illegal immigration.    Why would a business hire an American when they can hire an illegal and pay less money by using a deportation threat?


For jobs requiring technical skills, why hire an American when business can import cheap foreign workers using an H-1B work permit? Many of these people overstay their visas and the federal government doesn’t even know where they are.  This is why E-Verify must become a mandatory federal program to verify everyone’s eligibility to work in the United States.  It is encouraging to note that more than 10 states have passed laws making E-Verify mandatory for employment.  The “bought and paid for” Congress will not do anything that will help ordinary American citizens, so maybe a message must be sent to Congress by refusing to re-elect all incumbent members of Congress.  Too many employers don’t give a damn what it does to the American citizen who cannot find work due to illegal immigration and Congress caters more to their donors than to the country and their constituents.


It has been reported on TV that the Silicon Valley tech companies have imported people into this country on an H-1B work visa and then had existing American employees train the new recruits so that the higher paid American can be laid off and replaced by these new recruits. This is all about corporate greed.  There is another downside to this practice.  These companies will often place these imported workers in customer service and technical support.  The problem is that these company representatives cannot speak understandable English.  You have to ask them to repeat themselves four or five times before you start to understand what they are saying.  This is totally unacceptable.  The stupid and greedy company CEO only looks at his financial bottom line and ignores what this problem might do to the reputation of his company.


It has been observed that illegals will band together after enough of them begin to work for a company and then when the company hires an American, the illegals will harass and do everything they can to get the American to quit. Food service and construction industries are the ones where this practice is usually utilized.  Generally this will happen when the greedy employer has hired so many illegals that his company is in jeopardy of going out of business if all his illegal workers leave at the same time.  Maybe it is time for that company to go out of business.


How can the illegals work so cheaply and survive. One way is called warehousing.  One illegal rents housing and then after moving in, invites more illegals to move in and share the cost of rent.  By sharing housing costs, many people can live in one apartment or house.  The owner of this housing now has much more wear and tear on the facilities with increased utility costs—which are normally paid for by the tenant.  Thus if four or five illegals share a two bedroom apartment, the cost per person is substantially reduced.  With lower housing costs and possibly shared food costs, the illegal worker can work for less money and undercut any American competition.  The losers are the jobless Americans and the property owner who has increased property wear and tear which later leads to higher maintenance costs.


To avoid E-Verify and to avoid the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) notice, many illegals decide to start a business. In some parts of the country, the landscaping business avoids ICE detection and provides the owner with cash customers.  Taxes can be and are avoided when the owner has only cash customers.  Therefore, the claim that illegals pay taxes is not necessarily true.  If the illegals have children who have limited English ability, then the school system has to hire bilingual teachers and most likely will feed the children lunch.  When they show up at the hospital to have an illness treated and cannot pay, Medicaid goes into effect.  Many illegals have children but do not marry so that the woman can qualify for welfare.  Most of the uneducated illegals pouring into our country therefore do little to contribute to the nation’s economy and cost the hard working American taxpayers higher taxes.  This is not fair.


Have you ever wondered why so many Immigrants own convenience stores and gas stations? The reason is that your federal government actively promotes immigrant owned businesses with loans and then assists them after they are in business.  It is assumed that only legal immigrants have this opportunity.  American citizens are not invited to apply.


One really terrible part of illegal immigration is sex trafficking. Young women and girls are smuggled across our southern border and sold to be sex slaves.  Sadly it appears from local TV news reports that these sex traffickers are now also kidnapping American born women and girls and forcing them into this business.


The United States is under siege from the drug cartels. Apparently, the switch from prescription opiate drugs to illegal drugs like heroin is now a very serious problem.


Open borders and unrestricted immigration make all of these problems become worse. During the Obama Presidency, this practice permitted terrorists to enter our country.  They are here now and blood will be on the hands of those who permitted this to happen.


What are we going to do to fix these problems?


It has been reported that we have 800,000 young illegal aliens who qualify for DACA. Now that President Trump has returned the problem to the Congress where it belongs, legislation must be drafted to deal with the issue.  The last time our government granted amnesty to illegal aliens, we got 20,000,000 or more illegal aliens most of whom are receiving benefits.  No amnesty.  We cannot grant citizenship to lawbreakers who broke the law.  If they stay here on a permanent work visa, they should not be eligible for free health and welfare benefits, citizenship and the right to vote.


Another way to address this issue is to do what some have already done. That is to return to their country of origin and apply for admission into the United States.  It has been reported on TV that those individuals who did this took six months to be able to legally re-enter the United States making them eligible for citizenship and the right to vote.  It would seem that this course of action is the best for everyone except those DACA members who have had trouble with the law.


The southern border WALL must be built. Since some monies have already been appropriated for this purpose, planning and some construction might be possible early in the Trump administration.  Equally important to our country is to stop the flow of illegal drugs and illegal immigration.  As part of the effort to stop the flow of illegal drugs, it might be wise to determine why so many people feel that they must use drugs.


We must build the wall. This is the only country in the world that needs a wall to keep people out instead of keeping them in.  Underground tunnels must be detected and destroyed as well. Anyone who states that walls don’t work is an open borders advocate and should look to Israel and see how effective theirs have been.  These open border advocates want our country flooded by hundreds of millions of immigrants who will vote Democrat, bankrupt our country and turn out once and for all time that light from “a shining city upon a hill”.


We must eliminate birth citizenship. When the child is a citizen, how to you deport the mother?  The United States is one of the few nations that have this practice.  In most nations citizenship is not automatic.  There is some discussion that the Constitution does not permit birth citizenship.  This needs to be clarified by the Anarchist Supreme Court and if birth citizenship is confirmed, the Congress must pass a law to eliminate pregnant women coming to the United States solely to give birth to a US citizen.


The government must deny all H-1B visas when the U-6 unemployment rate is greater than 8%. In addition, E-Verify must become mandatory for all employers.  Enforcement should start with the large employers because they are the worst abusers.  Many small mom and pop companies may be forced to hire illegals or go out of business, but the larger companies do it to increase profits.  Greed based on the distress of other human beings is  blood money.


Illegal aliens are illegal and must be deported to comply with the law. That is the law.  Does this mean that ICE and local law enforcement begin a dragnet to find and deport all illegal aliens?  No.  What it does mean is that when someone breaks the law and is arrested and later identified as an illegal alien, ICE must be notified and the alien turned over to the federal government for deportation. While in ICE custody, a background check should be performed to determine if a criminal record exists.  As for the consequences of deportation, all illegals knew that they were breaking the law when they entered the country.


All work visa recipients must verify their location every six months until their visa expires. Failure to do so subjects the visa holder to immediate deportation.  With mandatory E-Verify that is strictly enforced, without a job, most visa holders cannot stay here.  Missing a visa report places that person on a police most wanted list.


Any part of any religion that is contradictory to our United States Constitution must be disavowed before admittance into this country. Sharia law is not consistent with our constitution and must be disavowed.  Compliance with this principle must be verified later.


In years past, immigrants have tended to live in segregated sections of many large cities and did not quickly assimilate, but those immigrants were not terrorists. To enter and stay in this country, immigrants must assimilate.  There has to be a way for the federal government to verify that true assimilation has taken place.  When immigrants cannot or will not assimilate, they must be deported.


Some immigrants especially those who came here as refugees may not want to assimilate but do not want to harm this country or its citizens. For those people, the United States government should offer to return those individuals to their country of origin free of charge.  If they do not like it here and want to return home, let us help them.


One of our most stupid permanent work visas is the EB-5. As long as you invest $500,000-1,000,000 in this country and employ 10 workers you can get one.  Is this how persons who support organizations that want to overthrow our government are allowed to stay in this country and cause problems?  Surely those persons are not citizens, are they?  All must be deported permanently from this country and lose their citizenship if they have become citizens.


Any immigration reform passed by Congress must permanently guarantee that native born Americans must always constitute a majority of at least 60-75% of the nation’s population.


Please note that at this time that most of the issues like chain immigration that it is assumed are addressed by the RAISE Act are not discussed in this post.




Ernie Kanak

No thank you