The issue of immigration must be about just one thing today—the rule of law.  Without the rule of law, no one’s rights are protected.  I have a real problem with people breaking the law to enter this country and then expect the rule of law to protect them.  I also do not approve of our government providing free legal services to outlaws who are here illegally.  For citizens who cannot afford an attorney, the public defender’s office is a must to ensure that the citizen defendant gets a fair trial.


I must be dumb, but It is only recently that I have started to understand what I think is Obama’s strategy on how to make the United States a one party country on the road to possible totalitarian rule.  I wilI confess that I have no evidence that my theory is true.  I am aware of a book on this subject and I must confess that I have not read it.  It will probably do a much better job explaining this situation than I do in this blog.


The 2008 election was all about “Hope and Change” and the first black President.  During that time, most people believed that candidate Obama was telling them the truth.  The transformation of the country statement came five days before the 2008 election, but I doubt that anyone other than Obama and his confidants knew what that meant.  What kind of transformation was he talking about?


With the passage of the stimulus package and the promotion of the “green” agenda where the federal government gave taxpayer financial guarantees to non hydrocarbon energy companies–some of which later declared bankruptcy–we started to get an idea.  When the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed with no Republican votes and Pelosi stated that the bill must be passed to find out what was in it, the American people began to understand what kind of transformation Obama wanted.


With the 2010 midterm elections and rise of the Tea Party, the Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives.  I suspect that this was not part of Obama’s Hope and Change.


It would seem that Obama determined sometime after the 2012 elections that there was a slim chance of the Democrats regaining control of the House of Representatives, so he started making what have been called unlawful changes in Obamacare.  Since he is supposedly a constitutional lawyer, he knew that only resignation and impeachment would remove him from office.  Based on past performance, he knew that the Democratic members of Congress were totally behind him, so impeachment would not be possible and he was not going to resign.


When he concluded that the Democrats might lose the Senate in 2014, he started to really open the illegal immigrant flood gates.


Possible reasons for these actions:


He would like for the Hispanics to follow the lead of the blacks and always vote Democrat no matter who is running for office.  He does not want smart voters, just uniformed loyal voters and by opening the immigrant flood gates and giving Hispanics the hope of permanent residence here, he may have helped those illegals become permanent Democrats.  Example:  My grandmother went through the Depression and was convinced that Roosevelt had tried to help her, so as far as I know, she always voted Democrat.  The candidate was unimportant, she voted for a party.


By letting the illegals get drivers licenses, he gives them one of the documents needed to vote.  With a driver’s license, many will vote in our elections.  The Democrats are counting on it.  Why else does the Justice Department fight tooth and nail all reform efforts by the states to have voter I.D. and up-to-date voter registration?


It would not surprise me if illegals have voted in every election since 2008—maybe even before then.  I just don’t know how many and in which states.  Obviously their vote was more important in the swing states where the vote was close.  This would be a good issue for the news media to investigate, but they won’t because too many of them have also transformed—into the Propaganda Press.  Since the Propaganda Press shares Obama’s leftist agenda, they would never investigate any potential Democratic malfeasance.  I discuss this more in my book.


We have had millions of babies aborted since Roe v. Wade.  At the same time we are not trying to stop millions of illegals from entering our country, so population control is not an issue.  If we wanted to increase our population, why abort babies?  I am aware that some economists worry about our declining population demographics, and economically they want more bodies producing income.  While many illegals are children, most are voting age.  Why else would you leave illegal adult criminals in the country?


We have many jobs not requiring a college education here in this country for which the companies cannot find qualified workers.  Many of the illegals who are stealing into the country cannot speak English let alone have the technical skills needed.  If not to satisfy a demand for workers, why do we need more immigrants?  To vote Democrat.  It is interesting to note that during an earlier time when the Bracero program was in effect, many participants came here to work and then returned to their country because they were not interested in becoming American citizens.  Of course, that was before entitlement nation was created and free stuff without work was available like it is today.


In the skilled immigration area, I have been personally discriminated against while an unemployed engineer and seeking work.  How did they do it?  The companies wrote the job requirements that only an immigrant could meet—such as speaking another language.  Why?  The immigrants worked cheaper.  This big government corruption has been going on since long before Obama.


Bottom line:  The big organizations like the chambers of commerce and some agricultural groups have bought the corrupt politicians to get what they want and don’t care if the illegals they employ vote or not.  Now that is patriotism, isn’t it?  Remember politics is the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Who is the brain-dead politician or bureaucrat who is admitting Muslims into this country from countries where Islamic terrorism prevails?  In this day of Islamic terrorism, why are any Muslims at all admitted into this country?  While all Muslims are not terrorists, why take any chances?  Would this type of immigration continue if Obama labeled the terrorists as Islamic?  Probably not and I would guess that most of these immigrants are of voting age.


In my book, I have proposed what I believe are fair changes to our immigration system.  If we can ever approach and deal with immigration intelligently using the rule of law, we can solve the problem.  Absent the rule of law, we are rapidly moving towards anarchy.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you