When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Do we have another United States Senator selling out to his donors again? Is sure looks like it. Senator Mike Lee from Utah is now insisting on giving large numbers of H1B visas to persons from China and India. Hey sell out man, if we had enough American students in the university pipeline to meet industry’s needs, your request would be outrageous and it still is. Why didn’t you insure enough American students are being educated to fill the high tech jobs that Google, Microsoft and probably more IT companies say they need. Any and all Chinese would become spies for China whether or not they wanted to be because as long as their family remains in China, the Communists have leverage. India probably educates a lot of students, but why doesn’t their economy hire them? This observer remembers when India was in the former Soviet Union sphere of influence when communism was advocated. This statement is not an accusation—only a warning that we must examine this possibility very carefully. Immigrants have different attitudes about this country than do visa holders. Do these IT firms want to hire visa holders so they can fire their American workers again? No visas should be issued. Maybe the IT firms need more enlightened management or possibly, although not wanted, maybe they want to relocate to another part of the planet. American government sponsored research must always stay here.

As one who has used computers for 50 years, IT firms discard software that is good and useful in favor of geek software that loses utility only so they can make more money. For 50 years IT programmers have ignored user friendly software in favor of programmer friendly so they can fix the bugs that almost all new software has. Customer service today is a joke and has almost been destroyed by IT and foreign participants.

With the Iranian/Iraqi militia storming the United States embassy in Baghdad, radical Islam is rearing its ugly head again with the Iraqi government complaining about the United States military response. Their government just voted to expel all United States military.

The tribes in Iraq have been fighting for hundreds of years, so trying to keep Saddam Hussein’s Iraq as one nation may be futile. Only the Kurds have supported the United States. The Shia Muslims have become Iranian allies. Segments of the Sunni Muslims became part of ISIS. We have the same problem in Afghanistan with different tribes. According to news reports, the United States armed forces worked very effectively with the tribes during the early stages of the Afghan war to negate another 9-11. These two countries are among many countries that geographically are one country but politically are many different countries. The United States should never become involved in foreign nation tribal disputes or fighting and it should never spend time and money to keep warring tribes together as one nation. To this observer, this is what we have in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Let the tribes fight as long as our country is not affected and our State Department stays completely out of any countries internal politics and affairs. Look what happened to the former Yugoslavia. It is many countries now. Small nations in general present a lesser threat to our country than large and huge nations.

American farmers beware. China is currently in Russia trying to line up Russian help to supply China with soybeans. Maybe the white South African farmers who have emigrated to Russian to escape death in South Africa can help the Russians in this area. Who knows? In the meantime, our farmers should slowly expand so they will not go bankrupt with too much production and no place to sell their product. Remember that product shortages normally increase prices. Don’t ’take the bait and lose.

With China’s stated intent to rule the world, all United States companies doing business with China should be either increasing domestic production or lining up imports from countries other than China.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you