When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Have you noticed that if we had congressional term limits all of the Democrats running the fake impeachment witch hunt would not be in Congress? If these old timers were not in control, do you think fixing our country’s problems would be the legislative priority?

Have you noticed that another Democratic control freak has decided to run for President?

Have you noticed that the unelected federal bureaucracy believe that they know better than our elected officials on what policies are best for this country? If you believe them, then it looks like we don’t need a Constitution and to elect people to represent us? Do you think this lunacy would persist if all government employees were term limited and prohibited from doing government business after leaving government?

Have you noticed that the Supreme Court has ruled that yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater is prohibited but when some in the media continuously issue coordinated propaganda it is protected free speech? This same court infringes on law abiding citizens’ second amendment rights and then ignores lawless abuse of the first amendment. Those five judges who ignore free speech abuse are agenda driven politicians—not justices protecting the rule of law and our Constitution.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you