Has Government Policy Contributed to School Mass Murder?

iStock_000005453234Our government has fostered the belief that everyone is entitled. A simple example of this is the practice in sports of awarding every team member a trophy just for participating. Individual failure is not considered to be an option. There is no one person on the team who is most valuable.  This philosophy ignores that fact that we all are not born with equal ability.

In addition, some schools have begun to teach that the government is more important to a child than his or her parents and reinforces this philosophy by suspending students for stupid political correctness reasons. The schools use Gestapo tactics to intimidate parents who want to help their children.

When someone’s antisocial behavior is judged to be beyond what is considered normal, that person may be examined by a physician. If the doctor concludes that the individual may have violent tendencies, after prescribing medication, nothing more restrictive may be possible without infringing on the individual’s rights.

Today when someone feels that he is being treated unfairly, he may resent this and react violently  because he is convinced that he is entitled to better treatment.

This administration has a policy of aggressively promoting entitlement and political correctness. My belief is that political correctness discourages a doctor from prescribing mandatory treatment of serious mental illness in a mental hospital.  When combined with the educational indoctrination of students to believe that government knows better than a parent, have these policies gone too far and created an environment that contributes to school mass murder?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you