When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.




Mr. President and those who support him:


Your supposed Republican allies, the Democrats, the donors, the DEEP STATE bureaucrats, the lobbyists and the propaganda media all hate your guts because you have started to destroy the corrupt status quo. Maybe you have become more political being in Washington.  Therefore do not listen to anyone who tells you that funding for immigration and THE WALL will be forthcoming after the election.  All those groups above are liars.  Their strategy is to prevent immigration reform and THE WALL from being done in order for the voters to vote you out of office in 2020 and cause chaos until then.


Now if you shut down the government to get funding for immigration reform and THE WALL before the election, everyone will of course blame you—but you have broad shoulders. Assuming that the government is still shutdown at election, how will all those groups referenced above explain to the voters why they do not want to fix our immigration system and build the WALL.  They can’t and many will be defeated.  It doesn’t make any difference whether you are trying to work will obstructionist Democrats or obstructionist Republicans since neither want to help you.  Stick to your promise not to sign any appropriations bill if there is no WALL and immigration funding.  Don’t break your promise  made to the people.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you