President Obama was sworn in and declared war on coal.  He stated that he intended to stop the use of coal to generate electrical power and predicted large increases in consumer electrical costs.  Using government force through the EPA he has almost succeeded in eliminating coal to generate power.  Since everyone uses electrical power and coal generated power is the cheapest, how has he benefitted the public?  He hasn’t.  Where does he think that he has the right to force his false god environment on the whole country?  The issue is not the environment—it is all about getting the public to accept the use of unpopular government force.  All totalitarian and elected governments make good and bad changes using government force—like it or not.


This action by the President illustrates why the American Manifesto in my book needs to be accepted and implemented.  Our wonderful constitution has no provision to remove an elected official by a recall election started by the populace.  An elected official can commit murder and stay in office if he is not impeached or does not resign.  Does this make sense to you?  It doesn’t make sense to me and it must be fixed.  The American people through petition and recall elections must have the right to get rid of officials, laws and court decisions that cause severe damage to the people of this country without waiting for the next election and depending on another elected or appointed official.  The current federal administration has demonstrated that much of the federal government bureaucracy is corrupt and dishonest.  There is no accountability.  Why then are they permitted to stay in power and cause even more damage?


One way to get the politicians attention for this recall provision would be to have a nationwide general strike for one week.  Shut down everything for a week.  If a strike was for instance scheduled to start on Labor Day, then everyone could buy and stock up food and water in anticipation that everything would be shutdown.  It would be nice if critical services would continue to be made available, but maybe the police, fire department and medical services and power, water and sewer workers may want to participate.  If that were the case, people could react to those issues if given advanced notice.  Loss of police protection would require people provide self protection.


I am tired of out-of-control politicians running this country into the ground in order to protect their political party and re-election chances.  .


Ernie Kanak

No thank you