For more than twenty years, when I have voted and there were two or more candidates on the ballot with which I was unfamiliar, and one of the candidates was a woman, I have voted for the woman. The reason for this vote was that I wanted more women in government in the hope that they would help improve the quality of government.  It would appear that I was the only one doing this and even though there are more women in government, the quality of government has not improved.  As a matter of fact, some of the worst politicians are women.  No more genitalia voting.


The best way to good government is to vote for the most qualified person. If we had an accountability amendment, we would have a way to correct our mistakes without waiting for the next election.


Since our federal judges are appointed based on political agenda, we need the federal judiciary amendment eliminating lifetime appointments and elect these judges for a single 10 year term.


The passage of these two amendments would return to the ordinary citizen the right remove any government official, overturn any judicial ruling and veto any law passed by the Congress. With big government, corruption is king and that is what we have now.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you