When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns

Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American public expects their news reports to true and factual. When they are not, they become propaganda or fake news.  Writer opinions in print and opinion broadcast reports are interpreted differently than hard news by the public.  Therefore, it is mandatory that all hard news must be accurate and truthful.


It is time for Congress to start setting down rules for the press to follow. The first amendment states that:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  Where are the mainstream media headlines and broadcast reports protesting the fascist/communist riots threatening and preventing conservative speakers from speaking on college campuses?  Where are the media reports when Christianity is attacked using the federal courts?  Where are the media attacks against censorship which they call political correctness?  Instead of telling the truth, the mainstream media issues propaganda.


The second amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” The Democratic Party has continually attacked and advocated gun control as a way to remove the Second Amendment despite the Second Amendment stating that the right to “bear Arms, shall not be infringed”.  Only communist  and fascist governments need gun control.  These laws only restrict the law abiding citizens’ rights because we all know outlaws ignore and disobey the laws.  We already know that there are many fascist/communists in the Democratic Party because they never condemn violence when it supports their cause.  Can these gun control advocates explain why Switzerland has required all their Militia members to keep their guns in their homes for many years with few problems?


Since the media has attacked the Second Amendment with such energy and vigor, it is now time to use that same energy and vigor to regulate how the freedom of the press must be regulated. Freedom of the press will not be abridged—only regulated much like the gun grabbers like to regulate the right to buy and own a firearm.  If the political hack Supreme Court Justices who make up the Anarchist Court object, then we need to start impeachment proceedings to remove them or pass an Accountability Amendment which would give the American public the right to remove any government official and make other changes at any time during the election cycle.  This amendment must be initiated by the states because our corrupt Congress will not.


Print Press

The veracity of all news material must be guaranteed or a disclaimer issued at the time the publication is released. Do your fact verification before you print.


If a printed item is later determined to be false, a retraction commensurate with the original item must be published; i.e., if it was a front page news item, the retraction must on the front page with the same size print.

A first violation without retraction constitutes a mandatory $10000 fine-no stupid judge leniency .

A second violation without retraction garners a mandatory $100000 fine—no stupid judge leniency.

A third violation removes all libel and/or slander protection from a lawsuit.

Three violations without retraction on the same day automatically removes all libel and/or slander protection.


Broadcast Media

The veracity of all news material must be guaranteed or a disclaimer issued at the time of the broadcast. Do the fact verification before the broadcast.


If a broadcast is later determined to be false, a retraction must be issued on a broadcast commensurate with the original one. Retraction of a 5 PM news item must be made on a later 5 PM broadcast on the same station.


A first violation without retraction constitutes a mandatory $10000 fine (no stupid judge leniency) .

A second violation without retraction garners a five day mandatory station or network broadcast shutdown (no stupid judge leniency).

A third violation without retraction garners a two week mandatory station or network broadcast shutdown (no stupid judge leniency).

A fourth violation without retraction causes permanent loss of the station or network broadcast license. Approval of a new license by a previous owner under a new name must necessarily take a year or more to investigate why the previous license was lost.


Although the press already knows what is correct, they continually ignore correctness. The object of these regulations would be to redefine what is and what is not permissible.  Violations of these regulations must be severe to preferably have compliance instead of punishment.


Fake news is propaganda that has absolutely no redeeming value to the American people. Abuse of a right always invites government intervention.


The government must fix the system now before the American people get angry enough to fix it for them.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you