When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


What it appears like now is that we have a fifth column entrenched in the federal bureaucracy. Together with the Fourth Estate, they leak classified materials which the Fourth Estate publishes.  To the best of my knowledge, treason is not protected by freedom of the press.  The conclusion is that both parties are committing treason for which they must be arrested and tried.  If necessary, the law must be changed so that those persons found guilty of espionage can be executed instead of just sent to jail.


Freedom of the press applies only as long as we have a stable government and the rule of law. If these illegal acts incite anarchy, that protection is lost.  Anarchy brings all kinds of bad things to this country.  Equally lost is the protection that the fifth column bureaucrats now enjoy.  What is to prevent these traitors from becoming recipients of retribution?  If anarchy brings violence, those persons fighting the anarchists may not know which Fourth Estate or fifth column party is guilty, so it is possible that many innocent people could die.


With the politicization of the FBI during the Obama Administration, it is this observer’s opinion that they cannot be trusted to investigate any important national security issues.



Ernie Kanak

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