Once again our President has put his foot into his mouth.  He now wants to import more than 10,000 Syrian refugees (who knows how many are potential jihadists) into our country.  As usual, the blindstream media agree and don’t really care how this may impact the security of this country.  There is a narrative that these refugees will be vetted by our government.  That is very hard to believe because there is no way these people can be vetted when their true identity and country of origin cannot be verified.  But this would not be the first time that our federal government officials have lied to us.  They did it many times during the Obamacare rollout and Benghazi debacle.


Members of Congress, It is your job to protect this country when our President will not.  May I propose that if more than three of these so-called refugees commit jihad against this country, Obama must be indicted and prosecuted for not protecting the states as required in Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution.  Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution states that the federal government shall guarantee that the states are protected from Invasion and domestic Violence.


If the President ignores what the public wants as usual and brings more potential Muslim jihadists into our country, then they must be impounded in one of the more that 900 FEMA detention centers where fences, shelter and medical facilities can be made available and where armed guards can be provided to protect both the refugees and the citizens of the state in which the FEMA camp is located.  During detention the refugees must be observed and vetted.  It has been reported that it takes more than 50 FBI and police personnel to keep one person under observation if the refugee is not confined.  There are not enough law enforcement personnel in this country to protect us and keep us safe while at the same time observing and vetting any free roaming refugees.  Those refugees that object to this strategy and cause problems should have their writ of habeas corpus suspended and be returned to the Middle East forthwith without judicial intervention.


The protection of the citizens of this country is paramount.  Once a refugee has been released by the federal government, it should become the individual state responsibility to verify that proper vetting has been done.  With a determination that an individual failed to be properly vetted and a refusal by the federal government to resume vetting, that person will be transported to Washington D.C. where they will be released.  Those persons who fail vetting are returned to the Middle East.


If our anarchist Supreme Court objects to this procedure, then all the states should collect their refugees and transport them to Washington D.C. where they will be released.  Our country’s citizens’ security must be protected.  It is expected that all the lawyers will protest these actions because it deprives them of our tax monies in legal fees.




Ernie Kanak

No thank you