When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


During the Obama Administration, President Obama successfully politicized the Internal Revenue Service, State Department, Justice Department, FBI, EPA, Department of Education, etc. He also was at least partially successful with the military, CIA, NSA and the federal judiciary.  It is safe to assume that all of the personnel in these many federal departments and agencies were subjected to brainwashing and indoctrination to follow a world government model to have diversity.  World government is a totalitarian form of government where government controls all facets of citizen life, free speech is not allowed and cookie cutter human robots are produced instead of a diverse population.  It appears that many Obama devotees have accepted this type of government as their own.  As a self proclaimed Muslim (2008 video interview), Obama promoted Islam while continually criticizing Christianity.  He followed a policy to admit Muslim refugees into the United States and discriminate against Christian refugees.  This philosophy follows past Muslim practice to emigrate to democratic countries and over time breed their way into a majority population in order to take over the government and that country.  They did it in Lebanon.


With the Democratic strategy to delay President Trump’s cabinet and other appointments, the Democratic Members of Congress have delayed approvals of all President Trump’s appointments. The apparent objective is to have their leftover Democratic comrades sabotage President Trump’s administration with outright refusal to follow President Trump’s orders and criminal intelligence leaks.  With Obama appointed federal judges, the outrageous federal judicial rulings on refugees follows this pattern.


Now is the time for all citizens to decide whether they are Never Trump Republican activists, Democratic Party activists or Americans. The Never Trump Republican activists and Democratic Party activists are Un-American if they are responsible for sabotaging the administration and the criminal leaks.  It is time for the Americans in these organizations to help weed out the Un-American activists from our government.  They must be very careful in doing this because the stakes are high and their lives may be danger.


Since sabotage and previously staged riots might be considered to be an insurrection, will it be necessary to call up the constitutionally created militia—in the Frontier West, they were called posse members? During the Obama Administration in 2012, request for quotes were issued to construct 150 detention centers within 72 hours.  These would be ideal places, if constructed, to detain bureaucrats who could not pass the law and order smell test while the saboteurs are found, removed from government and sent to jail.


Another option might be to start a Go Fund Me Account to financially support one or two million armed constitutionally authorized militia members to occupy Washington D.C. to maintain law and order and prevent mob rule. With over 70 million militia members in this country, members could be rotated in and out of Washington to minimize the disruption to their normal civilian lives.  These are just a couple of ideas on how the issue might be addressed.


The lack of congressional progress in implementing President Trump’s health and tax reforms and recent federal court decisions are prime examples of why we need to pass Accountability and Federal Judiciary Amendments to the Constitution. We can’t let Congressional work that must be done and laws to be passed interfere with their recesses, can we?  Ugh, I am sick to my stomach.


The political hack federal judges don’t give a damn about the Constitution because they think they are smarter than the founding fathers and will change the Constitution to suit their personal agenda. If you agree with activism, then you can expect interpretation of the Constitution to change every 5-10 years as every constitutional issue is revisited by different judges.  When the Constitution is changed every 5-10 years, the public begins to believe that the law does not need to be followed because it will soon change; therefore, ignore all the laws and do what you want to do.  When that happens, and it is close to happening now, that ladies and gentlemen is anarchy.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) enabling the public to remove federal officials and overturn laws and court decisions, and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term.  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you