When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth instead of propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice have become the American Gestapo. Until the rank and file members of the Fumbling Bureau of Incompetence and Department of InJustice repeatedly demonstrate to the American public that they are loyal Americans, they will be considered to be members of the dirtiest scumbag departments in the federal government collection of scumbag agencies politicized and weaponized by the administration of our 44th President of the United States.  If the rank and file members of these departments don’t arrest their corrupt management soon, then it is time to completely dissolve both departments and start over.  Since we do not have the rule of law and equal justice under the law as well as good and honest federal law enforcement now, they will never be missed in the interim.  The outlaw Democratic and RINO Republican members of Congress will oppose this action for obvious reasons.  Only those members of Congress who support reform deserve the public’s support.


The coup d’etat planning is still underway. Now a New York section of the DOJ is part of the cabal.  You know that Rosenstein and Mueller would have never included them in the cabal unless they were dirty.  This is another reason to dissolve the Department of Justice and start over.  Prosecution must begin before the Uranium One statute of limitations is reached.


Please note that to my knowledge the only time in the last decade that the FBI did an excellent job was recently when they worked with state and local officials to identify and find in four days the Austin, Texas bomber who killed himself when they tried to arrest him.


Sadly, it is this observer’s opinion that there is no branch of the federal government that that is free from the corrupt practices of the last administration including six members of the Anarchist Supreme Court. If the Special Counsel continues to proceed with action to remove President Trump, what will they do if millions of militia members suddenly grab their guns and go into the streets hunting for coup d’etat planners?  A coup d’etat is anarchy which we know means no rule of law and anarchy can work in both directions.  Those members of the government currently trying to execute a coup d’etat to replace President Trump must be arrested convicted and executed.  An example must be made of them to show present and future citizens that the consequence of coup d’etat participation is death.


Is it time for the President to call out the militia created by our founding fathers to quell the domestic insurrection currently underway? It is this observer’s opinion that the military should not be part of any militia operation.  The highest ranking law enforcement official in each political jurisdiction is the sheriff.  Is it time for the honest patriotic sheriffs to start recruiting and deputizing the millions of armed unpaid volunteer militia members needed to quell this insurrection?


By evading the investigation and prosecution of the lawless behavior of the FBI and Justice Department, the government risks the public losing patience with them and then deciding to bypass the government to directly administer justice to these outlaws. Don’t be surprised if it happens.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you