President Obama with his executive orders has broken the law many times. When he becomes frustrated that he is not a dictator, he issues one of his mostly unconstitutional executive orders.  Since the use of executive orders has become so contentious, we need to outlaw all of them.  We need the President to use another way to implement change that MUST agree with the Constitution.  Since executive orders once issued become a part of law and the President has no constitutional authority to make laws, all executive orders making law must be declared null and void.  Don’t expect the anarchist justices on the current Supreme Court to agree with a ruling like that.


To try to prevent another presidential administration from emulating Obama, it might be a good idea if evidence of corrupt practices and abuse of power by any members of his administration were collected and documented to offer as evidence in a court of law. This evidence can be used to help cleanse the bureaucracies of corruption after Obama leaves office.  Based on the current administration’s lawlessness the past seven and one half years, a considerable number of jail cells could be filled by ex-government officials.


Impeachment is a joke because almost every politician is more loyal to his political party than to the people and the Constitution of the United States. When the law is violated by exercising their party loyalty, these persons must be indicted, arrested and tried in a court of law.  All members of Congress whose net worth has more than doubled during their time in Congress must be investigated by the FBI for corruption.  If the FBI fails to do an honest and diligent investigation, then it is time to clean up the FBI.  It is doubtful that we have enough federal judges with fidelity to the law and the Constitution to try these lawbreakers, so state courts may be the only option.  Justice must be done fairly and honestly—not politically.


Part of the military code of conduct is instruction that an individual soldier does not have to obey an unlawful order. When the soldier determines that an order given is unlawful, the soldier can legally and morally risk not to obey it.


It is recommended that all government employees be instructed that they do not have to obey an unlawful order. One example of such an order would be one that orders the employee to not enforce existing law.


The effect of this new policy would be that when a President tells the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to stand down and not enforce immigration laws, the ICE agents would ignore the stand down order because it is an unlawful order. The border agents would continue to do their jobs to the best of their ability without retribution.  When an elected official is guilty of retribution, then we need something like the Accountability Amendment to permanently remove that person from office.  If Congress had any integrity—and that is questionable—when retribution is discovered, the entire suspected agency funding should be immediately stopped with nobody getting paid until a Congressional investigation resolves the issue—and we all know how long Congressional investigations take.  If the guilty parties resign, then funding can be restored.  The consequences of exacting retribution must be draconian in order to deliver the message.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you