When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


It is time to fix one problem. That problem is deported illegal aliens returning to the United States and killing American citizens.


If the Congress and the President had the guts and really wanted to stop this carnage, they would pass a law that any illegal alien who was apprehended again in the United States after deportation would be automatically executed within 48 hours. The people of this country need to be safe and do not need multiple illegal alien eportations.  This law would also prohibit all judicial review and appeal.  Illegal aliens are not American citizens and should not be entitled to a free taxpayer paid legal defense.  Enough is enough is enough is enough!!!!!!! Anyone who calls himself or herself an American who obstructs and violates the enforcement of a law like this must be charged with a felony.


The dumb as a rock Republicans and the fascist Democratic—yes liberals can be fascists– members of Congress along with their fascist propaganda media are sure to oppose any law like this.


If all members of Congress were part time and were paid part time wages with no benefits, maybe they would not have time for useless committee meetings that solve nothing and party political warfare.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you