On election night, this old man went to bed dreading the news that unindicted outlaw Hillary Clinton might be elected President of the United States. It really really bothered me that so many people had used their genitals-where there are no brains-to vote for someone who had put her personal desires ahead of those of the country while serving as the nation’s Secretary of State.  In doing so, she used an unsecure personal internet server instead of a secure State Department server for her email communications enabling foreign espionage.  Speculation has it that this was done so that she could bypass State Department records and Freedom of Information inquiries while collecting Clinton Foundation donations which may or may not have been legal and/or reported.


Absent an Obama Presidential pardon, Hillary Clinton must be charged and prosecuted for her actions and, if convicted, serve at least 2-3 months in prison to serve as an example of what public officials must NEVER do. Failure to prosecute will negate all Trump claims of draining the swamp.  If she is then pardoned, so must all those who have been charged for the same crime.


Since Donald J. Trump has become President-elect, the Democrats and scum (mainstream) media has gone on a fanatical rampage against Mr. Trump criticizing him for anything and everything. Mr. President-elect, please note that the swamp you want to drain includes the scum media.  The press are venal and a disgrace to all former journalists who had integrity.  Lacking an epiphany, the American public can expect more Democratic Party and scum media propaganda and garbage for the next four years.  To counteract these attacks, President-elect Trump must carefully continue to use social media to bypass the garbage dump and keep the nation informed.


All the polls, pundits and experts predicted Mrs. Clinton would win———-BUT SHE DIDN’T. Why was everyone wrong?  They were wrong because all of them were so convinced of their methods and false intellectual superiority above the masses of everyday Americans that they never really tried to learn the truth.  It appears to me that all the scum networks and newspapers never bothered to get out of their plush offices and into the streets across the nation to poll the American people.  The Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal also appear to be guilty of this slothful behavior.  All of them were lazy, incompetent and reported on the lies they were receiving as if it were the gospel.


Some news networks never bothered hiding their prejudices against Mr. Trump. My God, there is scum everywhere.  You have a better chance of learning the truth off of the unreliable Internet than you do by watching your TV.  Oh, by the way, the scum networks include their biases and contempt for religion and the people in their programming and commercials.  Twenty four hours a day seven days a week the scum networks broadcast propaganda issued by various government entities that have used the Communist Rules for Revolution as a governing guide.  You don’t have to believe me, look it up.


When the cast of a Broadway show stood on stage and badgered Vice-President Elect Pence, they demonstrated that they have no class. Entertainers in the past usually were classy individuals.  It sure looks like classy entertainers in this country are about to go extinct.


As for the so-called protesters—many of whom may being paid by wealthy left wing immigrants to this country—we need to give each of them a warm baby bottle so that they will feel better and have something to suck on.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


God Bless President-elect Donald Trump and the United States of America.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you