There has been discussion in recent weeks about how ridiculous an idea it was to deport millions of illegal aliens. Well, maybe the politicians are unaware of a way to start self deportation, but that is doubtful.


There is a way that our government can initiate self deportation. You do this by making it impossible for an illegal alien to get and hold any employment. The vehicle to start self deportation is a program called E-Verify that was passed by Congress and is currently being used by companies who want to employ only persons legally allowed to work in this country. The current program is optional for companies to use so those companies interested in employing illegals will not use it.


Prior to hiring an applicant, the employer goes to the E-Verify website and enters the applicant’s personal data to verify that they are in this country legally. The website claims that use of the program is fast, free and easy to use. The law has penalties for employing illegal workers.


Since jobs for Americans are the issue, this program should be transformed from optional to mandatory. A problem might be that under current law both the Justice Department and the State Department have input into this program and we know how trustworthy those departments have been in recent years.


The Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security have not enforced immigration laws and have fought state voter I.D. laws, so there will be resistance to permanent mandatory E-Verify. The big government politicians in both parties will be pressured by their donors and lobbyists to continue as is and would very likely fight the prosecution of the large companies who employ illegals. To be effective, the large companies who employ illegals should be the first companies investigated. When illegals are found, the companies should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law with public notification. The politicians would prefer to start with the small companies because the government’s lack of due diligence would not be as noticeable. It would seem that the politician’s motto would be to hit the little guy first because he doesn’t have the resources to fight back.


In summary, make E-Verify mandatory, rigorously enforce the law starting with large fines and penalties for the largest offenders first, and start self deportation. Minimize to the extent possible the interference from the Justice and State Departments. It would be expected that the gutless Republican Senate leadership would make any bill difficult to pass.  If the law passes, let Obama veto it. America is for Americans first.


Remember, E-Verify is about protecting jobs for American citizens. If the illegals are not in this country because they cannot find employment, how can they illegally vote in our elections–which they are likely to do?


Ernie Kanak

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