When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Nine Congressional Republican Senators have proposed admitting foreign nationals to work in American industry. They most likely want to include Chinese Communist workers for visas.

Sucking up to political donors to the detriment of the needs their constituents is also too frequent. American youngsters and their parents did not go into debt for college loans so that nine self serving Republican senators can help American companies discriminate against these Americans in favor of foreigners so that very wealthy companies can make more money by paying lower wages. More likely than not, these foreign workers are also anti American. If it is true that both our politicians and the imported workers dislike the United States and our Constitution, why should they be allowed to remain in the system?

Hey, you Republicans, don’t forget that the American people are paying your salary and deserve a fair chance in employment—not the discrimination that these companies will employ—been there. Senators, if you want to help American companies discriminate against American workers, maybe you should consider another line of work. We also don’t need a State Department handing out thousands of visas that damage employment opportunities for American workers.

President Trump needs Republican support in the Senate to continue cleaning out the swamp and to keep America great. But will these dumbbell RINOS support him? We don’t want to defeat a Republican and replace him or her with a communist loving Democrat who only wants to increase your taxes and enslave the American people. To be safe, we may need to have an Trump Independent on the ballot or a popular agreed upon write-in candidate available to make sure we elect someone who will help us remain a free people.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you