When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Attorney General Sessions made this observer uncomfortable when the DOJ announced that the department would not prosecute the crooks in the IRS. If the DOJ’s job is not to investigate and prosecute lawlessness, what is it?  Are they afraid to enforce the law?  That decision advised those Americans who were harmed by the IRS that they don’t count.  That decision is swamp politics.  AG Sessions, you are supposed to drain the swamp—not keep filling it up.  There has not been one case announced where the Department of Justice is investigating and will prosecute Obama Administration corruption.  Do we have a Caspar Milquetoast Attorney General?  This country needs a Patton type Give Em Hell type Attorney General to drain the swamp.  We need an Attorney General that will strike fear in the hearts of every crooked politician before sending them to jail.


Mr. AG Sessions, are you a Caspar Milquetoast AG or a Give Em Hell AG? It would seem that your course of future action depends on the answer to that question.  My observations make me suspect Caspar Milquetoast.  Do you keep Obama Democrats in your department so that you will have an excuse to fail?  Another four years of a corrupt Justice Department is completely unacceptable.


By the way, if you investigated the DC police department cover-up of the murder of Seth Rich, the Democratic Party would probably go ballistic with fear. How can Debbie Wasserman Schultz threaten the DC police department if the Democrats don’t own them?


Reading the email correspondence between then FBI Director Mueller and the White House during the time Obama was politicizing the FBI and Intelligence Agencies should be very interesting reading.


When is the DOJ going to arrest James Comey for the crimes he committed?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you