When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP


Poor leadership by our last three lawyer presidents {Clinton, Bush and Obama) deferred critical foreign policy decisions on North Korea that must now be faced. The chickens have come home to roost.  With North Korea testing potential nuclear warheads on ICBMs capable of reaching the United States and our allies, it appears that the Trump Administration has reached the conclusion that a solution to the problem must be reached very soon because the last 25 years of negotiating with North Korea have accomplished nothing.  The holdover Obama State Department bureaucrats together with their not too bright power and control Democratic allies, the propaganda media, the inept wet their pants establishment Republicans and the big business world government CEOs will all insist that force must be avoided at all costs.  They are all wrong and if we follow their advice, every single one of them will run for their rabbit hole to stay safe when the first bomb is on its way to the United States.


The United States invented the nuclear bomb and used two of them to end World War II. Recently it seems that other countries now want one.  Recognizing the danger of nuclear weapons, the nuclear nations previously have tried to prevent proliferation.  For some time it seemed to have worked until a Pakistani metallurgist sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya.  Until then, with or without a nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the spread of bomb technology seemed to be under control.  No more.  Rogue nations like North Korea and Iran will never be responsible nuclear nations.  They cannot have these weapons.


While North Korea is the bad guy now, they are only doing what Communist China wants them to do. Retired generals have reported on TV that the North Korean missile technology is really of Chinese origin.  China is using North Korea to refine and test Chinese bomb and missile technology.  China is the problem along with the Iranians who are sharing development costs.  Maybe China will reconsider if the mountain collapses where North Korea tested what they called a hydrogen bomb and floods China and the world with radioactivity.  Only China can affect a diplomatic solution for North Korea.  To do so, they must force North Korea to give up all their nuclear weapons and ICBMs and the technology for them.  They must guarantee that North Korea does this and does not sell the technology to more rogue nations.  The time for China to do this is now.  If China delays and North Korea starts a nuclear war, it will be China’s fault.  In any case, compliance must be confirmed and verified by the United States and other nations—not China or the corruption riddled United Nations.


If normal political diplomatic negotiations are conducted, will North Korea continue their bomb production in secrecy until it has 100 or more bombs? Will they sell the nuclear technology to any rogue nation that will pay them?  The answer is yes.  How many more nations will want the atomic bomb?  Will the world be safe with many nations having as many as 100 nuclear weapons?  Will there be nuclear blackmail?  Without some proliferation enforcement, is there any way to limit nuclear bomb production?  The answer is no.  Will it be easier to stop proliferation when these countries have few or no bombs or after they have 100?  If you do not know the answer to that question, stop reading—you are beyond help.


In the Middle East, Iran fits into the same mold as North Korea. No nukes for Iran no matter what Obama promised.  Iran reports that they do not yet have nuclear weapons.   Since they are sharing nuclear bomb and ICBM technology with North Korea, do you believe them?  How can you believe them when there is no independent verification without advance notice?  What imbecile agreed to those terms?  Was it the Obama Administration and the European Union?  Remember that Muslims have no problem with lying to non-believers.  Oh yes, Iran also continually broadcasts that they want to destroy the United States and Israel.  Do you believe that they can be trusted with atomic weapons?  Only an imbecile would say yes.


We saw in Texas how the public assisted the government by volunteering to help those in need during and after Hurricane Harvey. It was an awesome sight. China exports billions of dollars of products to the United States.  Maybe the public can help convince China to be more responsible by not buying and boycotting all Chinese imports.  No effect may be seen in the short term.  Long term, we start making more of what we consume here in the United States.  There will very likely be an economic penalty, but we are Americans and when we band together, we can do almost anything.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you