When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It looks like a Phase One trade deal with China has tentatively been done. It should be noted that China according to the news is dealing with agricultural problems. There are reported problems with swine flu killing many of the Chinese pigs. In addition, it seems that they have had problems with their soybean crops. Therefore, although announced as part of the trade deal, are the Chinese making agricultural concessions to buy American or just trying to feed their people?

While our far left loving Democrats are questioning the China trade deal, it should be noted that the tariffs the Chinese do not want are still in the deal. It appears to this observer that since China has violated every trade deal previously made, our government believes that tariffs are necessary to enforce all deals.

Despite the China trade deal and USMCA trade agreement with a total trade value exceeding 2 trillion dollars, Wall Street and the American companies whose CEOs and boards of directors that may have sold out their companies by turning over their technology to the Chinese Communists are not happy. If these people are so unhappy, maybe it would be best for them to give up their American citizenship and go live somewhere else

By the way, if American companies are not looking for new non Chinese suppliers for imports, those companies need new CEOs and boards of directors. China has vowed to obliterate the United States and your company wants to help them? Looks like you need a new country in which to live.

Now that it is common knowledge that the Democratic Party has been planning impeachment of our President since his inauguration because they did not steal enough votes to win, the Democrats have consistently violated the rule of law with manufactured items they call “facts”. Following DOJ rules and recusal are only something Republicans are supposed to follow—not the outlaw leftist Democrats. For this impeachment, the Democrats have paraded out liars and misinformed witnesses one after another while protecting the mysterious whistleblower’s identity defying another rule. Now that One America News Network (OANN) has helped secure Ukrainian evidence of American corruption since 2016, maybe the American public can start to see some arrests and hopefully convictions.

Is it wrong for Senator Graham to want to sweep this potential impeachment under the rug? By doing so is he not telling the Democrats that it is okay to start the next impeachment a week after this one is finished? Is he placing personal preference ahead of what is best for this country? The Senate trial should be so devastating to the Democratic Party and those leading impeachment that no political party will ever again try to impeach a President without a crime being committed and evidence of a crime.
Without total devastation, Congressman Al Green will the nest week resubmit another impeachment resolution. How stupid and ignorant is that? Personal animus would triumph over what is right.

What Senator Graham wants is questionable. Enough “blood” should be shed this time so that an impeachment like this abortion should never never ever be considered again. Senator Graham, your trial must put an end to this insanity once and for all. Please let President Trump defend himself if he so desires.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you