There has been much discussion about in which direction this country is going. Will either presidential candidate improve or destroy what we have?  Both political parties accuse the other of wanting to destroy our country.  The late community organizer Saul Alinsky has frequently been mentioned and his book “Rules for Radicals” has frequently been referenced.  Some people state that his rules on “How to Create A Social State” may be the political guide being used by the Obama Administration.  Is that true?


According to a fact check posted by David Mikkelson on, the above assertion is not true. You may or may not be surprised at the origin of the Obama plan.  Please note that this information is important enough to be read by every potential voter.  Please pass it on.


It is not possible for me to one click you to this fact check, so for people like me……

Start with, click on Archives, click on Politics, then on Search Snopes, enter Saul Alinsky.  Scroll down to “How to Create a Social State” and read the whole post.


On a more personal note and with unfavorable ratings so high for both presidential candidates, it seems like a good idea to pass a Accountability Amendment[1] and a Federal Judiciary Amendment[2] to let the public rule on our government’s accountability.  When government makes a mistake or when someone is unfit to hold office, the accountability amendment gives the public a way to quickly correct those mistakes.  With political hacks as judges, the judiciary amendment removes lifetime federal appointments and makes the judges run for office like the politicians they are.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment posted 8/4/2016


[2] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment posted 3/31/2016

Ernie Kanak

No thank you