When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Watching TV recently an expert/commentator mentioned the words coup d’état while discussing the FBI and Justice Department corruption.


About the time that President Trump became the Republican nominee for President, FBI emails prove that members of the FBI and Justice Department started planning ways to remove President Trump from office if he was elected President. In this observer’s opinion, they went beyond just expressing a political opinion.  The emails published clearly showed that action was being planned to remove President Trump from office.  Where does political corruption stop and the planning for a coup begin?  Were Special Counsel Mueller and Democratic members of Congress part of this coup cabal?  To set an example for the future, all those convicted of plotting the coup must be prosecuted, convicted and executed—no jail time or pensions


So far Attorney General Jeff Sessions is doing a terrible job of uprooting and prosecuting corruption. Is this inaction due to the possibility that there are no trustworthy attorneys in the Justice Department? Are all the existing Justice Department employees suspect saboteurs?  If so, why doesn’t he AG fire the scum and hire new attorneys and have them report directly to him?  This country needs to START THE SWAMP CLEANUP NOW.


In addition, President Trump could order that all executive departments must honor all Congressional oversight committee and FOIA requests for information within one week.   Since it has been reported that all oversight committee members have security clearances, all documentation sent to them should not be redacted.  All illegal activity discovered by an oversight committee or by FOIA investigators should be sent to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution and processed by the Justice Department on a high priority basis.  Failure to follow this type of procedure would confirm that those inhibiting prosecution are truly SWAMP creatures who must be removed from office–not reassigned within the department–and permanently barred from any future government work.


Since whistleblowers are almost always discriminated against by the scum departments from which they came, they should be awarded a $1-5 million bounty so they have the ability to start a new life outside of government. Since it has been reported that billions of our tax dollars are stolen and wasted every year, any bounty paid to a whistleblower is a cheap price to pay for good government.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you