Following are some things that President Obama has done in the past seven plus years:


Shortly after his inauguration, he expressed a desire to have a civilian army larger than our military, so he has systematically reduced the size of the military to the point that it will be the smallest since before World War II. Is World War III coming?  Are the illegal aliens and the Muslim refugees supposed to be part of his private army?


When ISIS beheaded an American journalist and the President reported this information on TV, seconds after completing his statement, television showed Obama joking with a friend as they started to play a round of golf.


Obama has directed the U.S. Navy to dock large numbers of ships in one port making them vulnerable to destruction in a surprise Pearl Harbor like attack.


He negotiated the Iranian nuclear agreement in secret and without advising the Congress and the public on what is in the agreement and sent that agreement to the United Nations for approval bypassing everyone. It would seem that this makes the agreement an executive order and not a treaty thereby letting the next president nullify it.


Obama has issued executive orders that some constitutional scholars consider to be unconstitutional and demonstrate that he is yet another lawyer who considers himself to be above the law.


Obama belittled the terrorist organization ISIS as junior varsity days after they took control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah.


The day after stating that ISIS is under control, the terrorists initiated another mass murder in Paris, France.


The whole world knows that ISIS uses the Muslim religion as a justification to commit mass murder, but Obama never uses the term radical Islamic terrorism despite the fact that they are the group using religion to commit murder.


His White House staff obviously with his approval micro manages the military on how to conduct the war against ISIS by insisting on using political instead of military rules of engagement. His actions are aiding the enemy.


He has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution by ignoring and not enforcing immigration law.


Per a television news report Obama refused to participate at a political dinner because his food taster was not there.


Now he wants to bring thousands of Syrian refugees into our country and force them on the states when they cannot be verified to not be terrorist risks. He is putting the country at risk by accepting potential terrorists as refugees.  By this action he is thereby refusing to protect the public as he has sworn an oath to do.


He supports our terrorist enemies by releasing terrorists from Guantanamo despite knowledge that more than one will return to terrorism and endanger the citizens of this country again. Rehabilitation of terrorists has not been proven to work.  Why are these men not tried, convicted and executed within the next six months?


The President has stated that climate change is the most important issue confronting the United States.  The climate change issue is an international government scam that uses government force to make unpopular changes on the public. According to the President, ISIS’ radical Islamic terrorism is not as important.  Terrorism can kill us tomorrow and climate change, if proven real, MIGHT affect the world in another 30-100 years.  His agreements with China and India who produce massive global warming pollution are useless when they are permitted to continue polluting for years without penalty.


The above list is a short and incomplete list of actions taken by President Obama some of which the media has labeled delusional.


Could it be that the reason President Obama acts like he does is that he suffers from a delusional disorder mental illness?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you