At the time this post is being written, it has been a little over two months since the American people became aware of the Coronavirus. The results are both good and bad. After watching hours and hours of TV on the virus, some observations are:

It has been obvious that all segments of government were not prepared to deal with this virus. It is probably fair to state that test equipment, not enough testing and material shortages have been the rule since the beginning.

Initially the American public was told that the disease was natural and animal related. The story was that the disease originated from the Chinese wild animal market. Now the Chinese Communist government is telling the world that the U.S. military released the virus in China. Oh yes, if you believe that, then you know that everybody in this world is twelve feet tall. Last summer and fall the Chinese were having problems with a disease killing swine in China. While Dr. Fauci’s Chinese colleagues told him that the virus was animal related, they had no choice if they wanted to continue to live. Chinese who have told the probable truth disappear. The Communists do not want the truth to be known. This observer suspects that the real truth is that this virus probably originated in the Chinese germ warfare lab which is why it is so contagious and deadly.

The CDC now predicts that the Coronavirus may kill as many as 200.000 Americans. Why is this prediction being issued now instead of a month ago or earlier? Has the CDC ever developed treatment scenarios for extremely bad, severe and normal year patient death events? To this observer, preemptive instead of reactive treatment must be developed as soon as possible. In order for this to work, there must be extensive testing which is only now becoming possible with 50,000 per day test units. Based on a probable scenario death rate, the CDC could recommend how many ventilators, masks, etc. would be needed for each scenario. Each state governor could then decide to prepare for a scenario and stock up the recommended units needed to treat the patients and protect their healthcare workers. Could scenario preparation also save lives? Why is nothing being done to reduce a “typical year” flu death rate of 20,000 people using newly developed medicines?

To this observer, the ability to take a drug combination not approved by CDC or FDA for this virus gives the patient a potential live or die decision instead of leaving it to a doctor who may have a reputation to protect.

For this pandemic, extensive testing starting this week would hopefully give the federal government enough data to determine where and when areas of the country could start to plan a return to work with minimal risk. This will work only if migration into the approved area from other areas of the country is prevented by strong enforcement.


The CDC and FDA must become more proactive in dealing with health problems with new research to develop new medicines to treat viruses and shorten the time it takes to approve new medications and treatment protocols.

Having supposedly 80% of our drugs and other medical needs manufactured in China and other countries is now known to be a huge mistake made by drug company executives who falsely used fiduciary responsibility to increase profits and bonuses instead of fidelity to the people of the United States. China and the European Union both have refused to send needed drugs and medical supplies to the United States.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is controlled by the Chinese, so there was a delay in calling this virus a pandemic. As a UN organization, WHO only considers the United States as the world’s piggy bank. When is our government going to leave the UN and make them mover their headquarters somewhere else? How many US deaths did this WHO delay cause?

When are the dumb as a rock American CEOs going to learn that China is a adversary and to have them supply more than 20% of any company’s imports puts the CEO and his company at risk. Like we said “dumb as a rock”.

China and the European Union need to sell to the United States more than we need to buy from them.

The supply of rare earth metals needed for United States defense is also controlled by Communist China. Why did Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama ignore this issue?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you