To the best of this observer’s knowledge, critical workers designated by every state have worked since the beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Except for those who work in uncontrolled environments (first responders) and medical personnel who work in a hazardous health environment, the rest of these critical workers probably worked in a controlled environment. We must find out what states’ workers did the best job of staying healthy and compare them against those states’ workers who had the worst health record. Maybe comparing the two groups will give the President’s task force some ideas on how best to restart the economy. Those states that did the best job of staying healthy should obviously be the first states to begin to restart their economy.

The time to collect as much data as possible on this virus is right now. Don’t waste the time on deciding what test to run on each person. Run three or four tests if considered necessary on everyone. Yes it cost more money, but if this is not the last pandemic, our government will be very glad to have tons of data from this pandemic to help future treatment. With lockdowns, the military mobile labs with or without civilian assistance could travel to neighborhoods and take many samples and do the tests to produce the data to be used to treat patients for this and the next pandemic.


More than anything else, the medical community keeps emphasizing the 6 foot individual spacing requirements and washing s your hands frequently to help to prevent the virus from spreading.

Doctors on TV have stated that a face mask is good to prevent inhaling the virus and getting sick, but other doctors also recommend wearing a face mask if you have the virus to prevent you giving it to others. Wearing a face mask unless at home or sleeping is a pain in the butt, but it could prevent infection and save your life.

It would seem that anyone who deals with the public on a more or less continuous basis s should probably wear gloves.


Spacing requirements mean fewer customers and loss of income. so all restaurants in the near future should create space for takeout meals. In our area of the country, many restaurants were already selling takeout orders in addition to normal dining until inside dining was stopped. This option allows the owner to keep more employees and could use wait staff to run takeout. If your food was good enough to attract dining in, why not order takeout?

Mom and Pop Stores
If employees and owners observe spacing, masks, gloves and good hygiene, why not open tomorrow? All customers in the store must observe 6 foot spacing requirements. The problem here will be power hungry politicians preventing common sense solutions.

Most construction will normally be outdoors, so common sense solutions must be employed.

Office workers
If they cannot work from home, the spacing, masks and sanitizer would seem to be a good idea.

High Rise Buildings
Without serious testing to learn the truth, it would seem that as someone has already mentioned, elevators and elevator shafts could be a serious source of infection. The shaft and cars are confined spaces. Since it has been reported that soap attacks the virus, maybe recirculation of the elevator car and shaft air through a soap solution might significantly reduce the infection potential.

It is this observer’s opinion that the CDC and FDA have resisted early intervention medication to sick patients increasing the loss of life from this Pandemic. Why did they not have medicines to immediately treat this virus and, to the best of my knowledge, still do not have a medicinal way to attack this virus and save lives. Is there a virus research program being conducted today to treat any virus in its early stages and prevent the illness from reaching the point where a ventilator is needed when 50% of those patients die after being removed from the ventilator. Is plotting the infection rate needing hospitalization and deaths a 21st century way to treat a disease?

On Fox’s April 11th Watters World show, Jesse had a guest who appeared to know a lot about Chinese viruses. He stated that China previously stored 2000 viruses but that number has now reached 4000. What in the world does any government want with 4000 viruses and what will they do with them? If our CDC and FDA do not begin to research how to treat and destroy any and all viruses tomorrow, what happens when the next pandemic comes?

Doctors have successfully and safely treated lupus and malaria with hydroxychloroquine for decades and recent patient testimonials have claimed this drug saved their lives from coronavirus, yet some doctors still insist that the drug is not safe. Why? Why are trials only being conducted today instead of earlier?

To this observer, there appears to be huge resistance to trying anything new to effectively combat viruses. Why are 20,000 deaths every year from the flu acceptable? Has anything ever been done to investigate how to reduce this number?

On the finance side, has the Democratic Party ever changed their agenda to take over our country by causing a national bankruptcy? Isn’t this why the Obama Administration doubled our national debt by adding 10 trillion dollars of national debt?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you