When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Where is the highest concentration of jackasses in the world? They are in the United States Senate.  These useless senators are a collection of Democrats who prefer to use violent anarchist thugs, censorship and media propaganda similar to that used by fascist and communist regimes and Republicans who lack backbone, crave TV face time and when voting on a bill put their personal preferences ahead of the needs of all the American people.  All of them in both parties are living testimonials to why senators should be term limited and appointed by their state government legislatures instead of being independently elected.


What do the initials NFL represent? Your guess is as good as mine.


Why are ex-President Obama’s appointed operatives still part of President Trump’s bureaucracy? Their presence and ideology do not support the current administration.  Someone should publish a list of the total number of bureaucrats in departments such as NSA, FBI, Justice Department, State Department , etc.  Then list the number of appointees still remaining in the bureaucracy from the administrations of Presidents Bush and Obama.  This listing should be posted on the Internet under a government accountability tab so that the American public can see the progress or lack thereof being made to drain the swamp.  Transparency is a wonderful cleanser and it sure looks like President Trump needs a lot more help in draining the swamp.


It is interesting to see the Democratic left TV ads using cover names and a billionaire warning the American people that tax cuts will increase the national debt. Ha, ha, ha, ha.  With Obama, the Democrats doubled our national debt by adding 10 trillion dollars to try to bankrupt the country to satisfy one of the communist rules for revolution.  It didn’t work.  They love increasing the debt as long as they are the ones spending the money.  As for the billionaire, he made his money using the old system, so why would he want to change what worked for him?  Let the American people spend the money they earn.


Using the judicial system, private organization Judicial Watch is doing more than President Trump’s Justice Department to investigate and publicize Obama Administration corruption. Maybe the President should fire the entire Justice Department and hire Judicial Watch to function as the Justice Department.  The Justice Department is as slow and as transparent as a mud wall three feet thick.  When is there going to be equal justice under the law?


It is time to begin the investigation of Uranium One before Special Counsel Mueller does damage with his Democratic witch hunt. Is jail time coming for Mueller and Rosenstein?   Not with Attorney General Sessions in charge.


Lois Lerner belongs in jail for abuse of power and betraying the trust of the American people. What she and others in the IRS have done is despicable and must be punished by time spent in jail.


When is the constitutional militia going to be activated to quell the current domestic insurrection?


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to contact their member of Congress and demand change.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you