When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions in charge of the Justice Department or not? If he is in charge, should he not sign to release all Justice Department and FBI documentation enumerated by FOIA requests now—not three months from now?  Have the clerks work overtime if necessary.  He must also allow the former FBI agent to testify about Uranium One before Congress by removing and canceling the Justice Department’s non disclosure agreement with him.  These Justice Department and FBI cover-ups smell to high heaven.


Until he executes these simple tasks, he is demonstrating that he IS NOT IN CHARGE OF HIS DEPARTMENT. If he can’t do these simple tasks, then maybe he needs to resign and be replaced by someone who can.


According to recent TV news reports, the Democrats appear to be buried up to their ears in the Uranium One scandal cover-up. Selling American uranium to the Russians who ship it abroad?  That is good?  Some reports indicate that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Mueller may be implicated in this cover-up.  Are Democrats honest and patriotic?  If you say yes, then this observer is twelve feet tall.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.


Why have all of the Justice Department and FBI saboteurs not been fired? Fire all members if necessary.  How much intelligence does it take to figure out that the country would be better off with all new bureaucrats than departments loaded with saboteurs?  When President Reagan fired all of the traffic controllers, the country survived did it not?  Do it again with all departments until the Rule of Law is returned.


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to strongly demand action NOW.


Ernie Kanak

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