When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Millions of years ago many huge dinosaurs were animals that were vegetarians. Unless it can be proven otherwise, it is assumed that those plants consumed carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis and grow. From where did the carbon dioxide needed come? God only knows.

If God and the planet have been furnishing plants carbon dioxide for millions of years, why do uneducated people now predict the end of mankind in 11 years? Are they using the junk science which started all of this? Do they know that those who have investigated the past climate history of the earth have concluded that the highest carbon dioxide levels occurred when glaciers covered much of the planet? Does anyone know what caused the reversal to get to where we are today?

The climate change saga was started by political agendas and junk science. The charts and predictions made were to agree with the political agenda of those parties funding the studies. So they continue today to predict bad climate changes to continue to receive more funding.

The ugly pagan gods of money, power and control have been used to distort reality. Politicians and environmentalists with stupid agendas are promoting climate change only to gain the power to control the world. Isn’t this what the socialists and communists really want?

By the way, trees are one of the greatest ways to reduce carbon dioxide and store the carbon. Could mass planet forest destruction be one of the main reasons for increased carbon dioxide levels blamed to cause the so-called climate change? While grass and other plants consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, they do not store the carbon like trees do.

When are the countries of India and China going to begin to stop their uncontrolled pollution of the planet? Why not start today? When are the politicians and environmentalists going to stop the annual loss of lives and property by fires in California?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you