When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Since the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States, it appears that the political SWAMP has pulled out all the stops to remove him from the Presidency. The fact is that no matter what President Trump does, it gets criticized—sometimes fairly but most of the time unfairly.


When the President pointed out that both patties were guilty of and came prepared to commit violence in Charlottesville, VA, he was vilified as usual. He was correct because peaceful protestors do not need any weapons and, when the police do their job and keep opposing parties well separated and lawful, there should be no violence.  No one gets hurt when only yelling is done.  The Charlottesville police for whatever reason became bystanders to violence instead of enforcing the law—bad cops.


Why then all the commotion? Politics.  Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are worth spit.  It is normal for the minority party to vote in one big block in Congress, but it is not normal for their supporters to hire thugs to cause violence and destruction at meetings, to promote censorship to suppress free speech and assembly, to ally with segments of the press to issue propaganda under the pretext it is the truth, and sadly possibly murdering persons who could damage members of the Democratic Party; i.e., they have become fascists and their followers use fascist tactics.  On the other hand, the Republicans’ loyalty is only to their re-election.  As far as they are concerned, the citizens of this country can go to hell.  After seven years of broadcasting what they would do if the Republicans controlled both houses of congress and the presidency, once they had that power, they wet their pants and can’t pass important legislation.  They could drop off the end of the world and we would never miss them.


My July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you